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TONGUE TIED                           4━━ spycraft and spy skills

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TONGUE TIED           4
━━ spycraft and spy skills

Patience was the one thing Amelia lacked. Her brain would act like a balloon, and if it were to be popped, her mind would fog up and her thoughts would be all over the place. If things didn't happen quickly enough for her, she'd get upset, like a child whose ice cream melted on a sunny day.

Her balloon had popped when a group of young girls dinged the bell on the counter at Scoops. Amelia could sense the tension between Robin and the youngsters, who had been tormenting her life for the last minute.

Amelia watched as the girl ordered another sample. Her blood nearly boiled as they waited for more, and she could just imagine how Robin handled her temper.

"No. No more samples today." She said in hopes that the kid would leave and allow her to work on the tape. She spared Amelia a desperate look.

"Why not?"

Robin held a laugh. She leaned over and stared at the girl. "Because you're abusing our company policy." She explained nonchalantly and brushed her stare off.

Erica disapprovingly sighed at her words. She refused and insisted, "Where's the sailor man?" She asked and looked around the parlor. Amelia perked at her words. She chuckled at the nickname given to Steve, and as expected, the princess received odd looks from ten-year-old girls. She pursed her lips as she awkwardly averted her gaze.

Robin grinned, "Sorry, he can't help you. He's busy." She returned to the tape as she grabbed her earphones.

"Busy with what?"

"Spycraft." She smirked.

Amelia seemed rather surprised by the role Steve played. If anything, he believed they were mental for conspiring on Evil Russians in Indiana. She thought it would be fun to see him goof around while doing spycraft activities.

She watched as the kids left. "So, Steve –sorry, Sailor Man, is busy with spycraft...?" They laughed. She pulled out a wrinkled bill and placed it on the counter. "Never expected to hear Steve and Spycraft in the same sentence." She teased.

"He's with his little friend, who's probably doing the actual spy craft." Robin joked. Amelia hummed. "What is it that you usually get?" Robin smiled, scooper in hand.

Amelia gasped, hand on her chest, as she frowned at Robin. "I literally live here, and you don't know my order?" She quipped. "Small cup of USS Butterscotch." She reminded and watched as she served her ice cream. "Thank you."

"Come on, now. We have some important Russian-related work to get done."


TONGUE TIED | STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now