Texas Headcanons

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- Texas stims by snapping which is part of why he likes poppers so much.

- Is 6'4" but his boots have heels, bringing him up to 6'6. He doesn't like to acknowledge the fact that not only is he wearing heels but also that those heels STILL don't make him taller than Alaska, who is a monstrous 6'10"

- Speaks Spanish, although he doesn't speak it as often as California or Florida.

- His house in his state is a large ranch with lots of cows and horses. Sometimes he likes to say he could ride before he could run.

- He's only known as "The Friendship State" because that's what his name means in Caddo. He lives up more to his nickname "The Lone Star State." While he is friendly with anyone not California or Oklahoma, he is not overly extroverted and in fact enjoys his alone time. Part of this is natural introversion (although he's more of an ambivert), but it is also partly part of his independence streak ie. "I don't need anyone I can handle everything by myself."

- He has to wear reading glasses, he doesn't wear them in front of others. (Whaaaat a Hetalia reference? PFF! Yes. Yes it is.)

- Texas has his own Cajuns, which means he actually understands Loui's slang and mannerisms. Of course he isn't as Cajun as Loui, but he can dip into that aspect of his people.

- Is actually Arkansas's friend, although Ark is also friends with Oklahoma which means he has to spend time with him.

- Texas's dad...Technically speaking Texas has three contenders for the position of dad, France, Spain, and Mexico. All of them he views negatively (Spain and France both abandoned him in his mind, and Mexico is...a lot of things) but when Texas talks about his Dad he's usually referring to Mexico.

- There's a lot of headcanons about Texas and Mexico I have, but I plan to do a bunch of historical headcanons chapters for this fic so for now I'll leave it at: Texas is not blameless in their falling out, but regardless of blame it has left him greatly mistrusting of authority figures and a need to assert himself as capable on his own. He constantly looks for signs of betrayal in people.

Not as many headcanons for Texas because a lot of my headcanons are historical.

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