Chapter 12

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Dad's P.O.V

I was preparing a meal for Chloe because it was the anniversary of me adopting her 15th February. While I was cooking I got a phone call it was a private number even though I didn't know who it was


"Hello this is Officer Johnson is this Chloe Bianchi's father"-Officer Johnson


"Chloe Bianchi"

"No, but I have a daughter named Chloe"-me

"Well I need to talk to you about her"-Officer Johnson

"Ok what do need to talk about"-me

"You're daughter is adopted right ?"-OJ


"Well I don't know how to tell you this information...... Well here it goes your daughter was kidnapped and then sold to you and we need to you to give her back to her biological parents"-OJ

"Wait what my daughter was not sold to me I adopted her "-me

"Sir you might think you adopted her but you bought her"-OJ

"What no I didn't buy her"-me

"Sir can you let me explain more,"-OJ

"Ok go on"-me

The officer explained everything to me it was obvious I had to give Chloe back to her real parents the hard part now is that i'm going to have to tell Chloe about this I started to cry thinking about telling Chloe this but she had to know because it has to do with her

Chloe's P.O.V

Today is going to be the best day ever it's my 11th year anniversary of my dad adopting me I ran out of my room ready to go eat only to see my dad sitting on the floor crying his eyes out I asked him why he was crying but he refused to answer me he probably just was crying because he couldn't believe it was 11 years since he adopted me. I just went back to my room and listened to some music and texted Tyler I did this for maybe 30 minutes until my dad came in my room looking really nervous he sat on my bed and told me something that made me really sad. I asked my dad to leave the room because I didn't want him to see me cry when he left I bursted into tears I felt like someone had taken my heart out and didn't wanna give it back. How could this have happened? Why to me? Why not someone else

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