Chapter 16

26 1 1

*3 months later*

Chloe's P.O.V

Finals uhgg the worst time of the year,I was in the middle of studying science also known as the devil when i got a phone call from Isaac


Hey do you wanna go to the park or something -I

I would love too but I can't i'm studying i'm literally stressing myself over this exam-C

Come on you don't need to be stressing yourself you're in 7th grade for Christ sakes ,you can stress yourself when you're in college-I

Isaac just because you're smart and get all A's doesn't mean i'm smart-C

Excuse you I actually have a reason to get all A's -I

Yeah and what is the reason -C

Uhgg just meet me by the park -I

I already told you I can't -C

It wasn't question I was telling u -I

Uhgg,"I said hanging up

I got ready and went downstairs walking towards the door only to have Joan stop me

"Where do you thnk you're going missy,"

"To go see Isaac,"

"No you're not you need to be studying exams are on Monday ,"

"Joan I already studied,"

"What did I tell you about calling me Joan,"

"IDK I normally don't pay attention when you're talking ,"

"Well today you are listening to me go up to your room and get into your


"Sorry did you say something ,"Playing like I didn't hear her

"Go to your room,"

"Ok"I said walking back into my room,I sat down for like 5 minutes waiting for Joan to go to her room.Finally I heard her door close,I ran downstairs and rushed out the door to go to the park

I arrived 30 minutes after,I was sweating so much the sun was scorching me.I looked around the park for Isaac,finally I found him  we went  on the swings and just had a nice conversation 

"So why did you call me here,"

"To get away from stress,"

"What stress you got you only 12,"

"Um nothing,"

"I can tell your hiding something from me,"

"I'm not hiding anything from you,"

"Yeah don't worry i'll find out what you're hiding,"I said. After we  just sat down talking to each other



I might discontinue this book so yh

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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