Kiss Me Now or Catch Your Death

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        Thanks to Hell's curse of bitter semi-immortality, it only took Angel's body a few weeks to recover from his eating disorder. A few weeks too soon for Alastor since this meant that Angel would be expecting more than just cuddles from him now. As Alastor prepared for bed, he was nearly startled out of his skin by Angel clearing his throat. Alastor flinched before turning to see Angel standing there in that cursed, red night-gown with a devious smirk upon his countenance.

        "Oh, Alastor?" Angel purred with a sing-song voice as he approached the bed.

        "Are ya ready to have the night of your life?" Angel then flirtatiously inquired before crawling into Alastor's lap.

        "Uh...Well..." Alastor stammered as he and Angel both began to blush at the closeness. He was then shushed by Angel placing his index-claw over his lips.

        "You just sit back, relax and let the professional handle the rest..." Angel snickered before preparing to do what he did best.

        "Wait! Stop!" Alastor cried out from fear before Angel could even have a chance to remove his pajama bottoms.

        "Al', ya promised!" Angel reminded with a slight pout.

        "I know, I'm sorry..." Alastor sighed as his ears folded back from shame.

        "Just relax and let me do this; I promise you'll enjoy it..." Angel reassured as he reached out to attempt to caress Alastor's cheek. However, he frowned when Alastor flinched away from his touch as if he were a monster.

        "Al', just let me do this...Let me do this..." Angel begged, his voice breaking on a sob when Alastor continued to resist his touch. In a huff, Angel then crawled beneath the covers, turning his back to Alastor in the process. Alastor sighed when the spider began to softly sob as he then snuggled up to Angel from behind in an attempt to comfort him. However, Alastor's embrace would not be enough to comfort the spider this time since Alastor just made Angel Dust feel so hideous.

        The following morning, after Alastor would head off to his job at the radio station, Angel would meet up with Cherri Bomb for another cup of coffee and a much-needed pep-talk.

        "He promised he'd try harder but any time we try anything, he just freaks out! I just don't get what he's so scared of..." Angel began to lament before drowing his sorrows in his caramel, iced coffee.

        "Ya know? When spiders mate in the wild, the male will give the female a little nip to calm her down." Cherri then informed Angel with a small smirk.

        "Whata ya gettin' at?" Angel questioned as he gave Cherri a look of skepticism.

        "I'm sayin' it might help Alastor calm down if ya give him a small shot of your venom." Cherri then suggested before taking a sip of her own coffee as Angel began to ponder over her suggestion. Later that night, Angel would once again attempt to court Alastor, this time whilst wearing a pastel-pink nightgown.

        "Angel..." Alastor began to protest when Angel started off by placing a small trail of gentle kisses along his collar-bone.

        "Just relax..." Angel reassured with a hint of irritation within his tone. He was fed up with Alastor constantly resisting him so this time, he laced his fangs into the tender skin of Alastor's neck in order to inject him with a small hint of his venom, just enough to force the deer into calming down. Alastor of course cried out in surprise at the stinging sensation of Angel's sharp fangs beginning to pump venom into his jugular as he attempted to struggle only to find that he felt too weak to do so.

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