Chapter Fifteen

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The three boys were in their room. Hyunjin and talked about what he saw and did with Felix at the center. While Hyunjin was excited and trying to include Felix in the conversation, Felix sat mostly quietly and just listened. He wasn't completely sure what he was listening for, disgust or angry, maybe disappointment. He was so scared they were going to judge him and make him feel bad, or even have him kicked out. Even if the staff knew about the center, they did not know why he went. Even his members didn't know until Hyu7njin followed him there. And why did he follow him? Were they trying to find a way to get him kicked out? Or to make fun of him after he got attacked there? He couldn't think of any reason why it would be a positive for them to know, unless.... Did they want to help him? To care for him? They all always loved one

another and tried their best to care for one another, but this was probably too much for them and they hate him now. They did not want to be in the same room anymore, or even be his friend... they hated him...

Hey Felix, did you hear me? Hello?" Felix whipped his head up and blinked, making it clear he was most differently not listening. "I'm sorry hyung, what did you say?" Felix had a light blush on his face and he tried to listen to Minho talk again. Minho laughed and smiled repeating himself, "I said was it fun to have Hyunjin show up there? It sounded like you had a lot of fun there. Maybe I could visit too? If you were okay with that."

Felix stared at him in disbelief. He wanted to see it? To go with him? Felix felt himself starting to slip in mindset as this was so overwhelming for him. They not only had not made fun of him, but fully accepted it AND wanted to go and learn more at the center? Felix laid back on his bed looking into the top bunk above him trying to process this.

Minho on the other hand was worried to death. Did they mess up? Was he mad at them for following him instead of just asking about it? Did he not want them to know at all? Minho's head started to hurt from the voices coming on string and he flinched in pain getting up to walk away into the bathroom when Hyunjin stopped him looking worried. Hyunjin knew what was happening right away and was trying to comfort him while still trying to get Felix to talk. He felt defeated and alone. Felix sat up and looked between the two confused.

"What's going on? I have seen you keep secrets from me for a long time. Both of you cry and hide things from me and it's not fair!" Felix did not mean to yell at his hyungs, he was just so angry of them hiding from him. He got up and ran out the room in tears. Hyunjin and Minho looked at each other and got up to go find Felix, but when they got to the door they saw someone else had beaten them to it.

Felix was crying into Changbin's arms and the older hugged him close and cooed at him trying to have him calm down. Changbin did not notice the other two staring at them, he just picked Felix up and brought him into his room and closed the door. Felix stayed close to Changbin as he laid them on his bed and cuddled him. Felix cried and talked about how Minho and Hyunjin have been keeping secrets from him but they know about his life and how it wasn't fair for them to treat him like this. He cried and talked until he fell asleep after about twenty minutes. Changbin made sure he was asleep before getting up and going to Minho and Hyunjin.

He knocked on their door and Hyunjin answered, his head down. "Come in Hyung. Is Felix okay?" Changbin sighed and sat down on Felix's bed. "No he isn't. He is really hurt by you two. He said you guys are lying to him and hiding things from him. You guys are supposed to be a team, one unit, and being a part of this family means no hiding or lying. He... he told me you two found out about him and why does he goes to the center That's something he takes very seriously and it's a big part of his life and how he has dealt with everything he has been though, from moving part way around the world, learning a new language and culture, how to adapt to living with others here. He is really hurt that you guys know about this and that you guys are still hiding things from him."

Minho and Hyunjin here are in complete shock. Changbin knew about Felix being a little. "Hyung, how did you know Felix goes to that center, and why does he go there?" Changbin smirked, " I'm the one who found him that center to go to. No one but the staff knows he goes there, and even they don't know the real reason why he goes. I found it for him when he came to me after he had a fight with his parents on the phone about him wanting to go home. He told me about it and I helped him cope until we were able to find the center for him. It was hard for him and I have wanted him to change centers after it was attacked the first time, but he told me liked this one cause no one recognized him there and their staffing was nice to him. But he was scared to tell anyone else because he was worried no one would accept him. And he was working on trying to tell you guys because you are the closest to him, but he started to notice how close you two have gotten and how you are hiding secrets from him and he was so scared to even talk to you guys most days outside of the studio."

Minho and Hyunjin looked at each other and finally realized where they messed up. "We need to talk to him, right away." "He is in my room asleep on the bed, you can go get him from there." Changbin got up and left the room. 


I think I might be ended my first book soon. Thank you for reading it thus far and I hope you have enjoyed it. 

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