Mission 1: Lindow Amamiya

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Authors Note: To be honest this story is an old one I wrote a while back and never got the nerve to publish in fact I only pre-wrote up to a certain point. Thus I wanna test the waters and see how people enjoy this story. Let me know what you think. And please enjoy~

Almost a week later, Kota and Akiko would be done with the majority of their in-base training. "Are you for real? Field training with one of the Unit Captains! You!"

Now no longer forced to wear the recruit uniforms, both Kota and Akiko had elected to wear clothing more befitting their respective styles. Kota dressed in a much more casual civilian style form of clothing that bore the logo of his favorite show with a striped cloth cap with earflaps, scarf, and a set of fingerless black gloves covering both his hands.

Whereas Akiko, lacking many options for casual wear, or perhaps simply not wanting to go out in the field in such casual wear, had taken to wearing a white assault coat with the Fenrir logo on it's back. She allowed it to remain open in the front, revealing a black sports bra of sorts due to how constricted she had found the closed jacket to be to her front and movement. Her pair of black assault pants allowed her boots and tool belt that were a solid green to stand out in contrast. One of her arms bore nothing while a single white fingerless glove covered her opposite hand and wrist to her armlet arm. Her hair still up in its messy updo, with her red rose hair clip.

"Yeah... I'm honestly not sure why the Major is having me do this?" Akiko admitted with a tired sigh. "I honestly thought she didn't like me."

Kota laughed as he recalled the many, many, many times either he, or Akiko, would be scolded by Tsubaki during their training. Whether it be Akiko's wild and sometimes unpredictable actions, Kota's own mistakes and failings to either keep up with Akiko, or the flow of battle the two teens always ended up in some sort of trouble with Tsubaki.

"Maybe she's hoping to get rid of you?" He joked, wincing as Akiko pinched his side. "Ah! I was kidding!"

"I know."

"Wha-- Then why'd ya pinch me!"

"Cause I wanted to."

"Wha--!" Kota gapped in mock pain and shock, "Rude~!"

Sticking out her tongue to the younger teen, Akiko began to lean back in a stretch as they waited for the elevator to reach the lobby floor. "Anyway, did she say anything to you over field training?"

"Huh...? Oh! Yeah, um... I think she said I would be going out for my own training with Yuta." Kota excitedly replied.

Reaching their floor, Akiko nodded. "Nice. That should be fun. Yuta seems like a pretty responsible guy."

Then the elevator doors opened.

The sound of a hand slamming onto the front desks table rang throughout the lobby space. "Come on Soma! You've gotta help me out here, I'm begging you! I don't know how to be responsible!" Yuta's panicked voice echoed. The two teens slowly making their way off the elevator to look over the top floor of the lobby's railing to see Yuta, a reddish-brown pigtailed receptionist, and another God Eater in a dark blue hood, all gathered by the receptionist's desk.

"Yuta, for the hundredth time. Please don't slam your hand on my desk." The receptionist scolded with an annoyed glare.

Yuta wincing as he removed his hand from the desk, "Oops... Sorry, Hibari."

"Why the hell are you even asking me?" The God Eater next to Yuta asked in an annoyed tone. "You're plenty responsible with your God Arc projects as is. Think of it like that and you'll be fine." He bluntly said, moving to walk away as Yuta followed after him.

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