chapter 15

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Hours before

With kakashi

Naruto:you would be surprised how good one can be when one is PROPERLY trained...

*does words would not leave Kakashi's head as he walked around the village not having a direction in mind just walking with a blank face on his face still not believing he lost*

Guy:he really beat you huh

*guy appeared out of nowhere but Kakashi kept walking with guy right next to him*

Kakashi:I just stood there not believing his own eyes not believing what just happened...

Guy:yeah it was really shocking that my eternal rival got beat by his former students

Kakashi:i mean I was a former anbu I've  fought in a war i was trained by the forth hokage for kami sake!!

Guy:something I always found unfair really

*but Kakashi ignoring continuing to rant*

Kakashi:hell i was naruto's sensei and never hve I seen my student fight so well...

Guy:because you never actually trained him

*Kakashi scoffed looking another way knowing deep down he was right*

Kakashi:like you're one to talk

*Guy frowned grabbed Kakashi's shoulder and made him look at him*

Guy:don't you dare try to group me with you while it's no secret that I trained Lee more then neji and tenten don't you fucking think for a minute that I don't train does 2 I have trained them to the bone grilled them on jutsu that were right for them made all 3 of them fight against me I show them as much love and respect as a sensei should have towards his genis you on the other hand only gave that to Sasuke what's happening now it's just karma bitting you in the ass


Guy:naruto was not wrong when he said and I quote "you would be surprised how good one can be when one is PROPERLY trained" to learn so much at such a short amount of time to defeat you why he must be some kind of prodigy shame that his potential was neglected not once but twice by both of his sensei's eyes

Kakashi:that's enough guy..

Guy:so much potential wasted imagine how strong he would be right now if you and that sannin actually trained him I'm both disappointed and disgusted by you my eternal you hatake

*Guy turned around and walked away leaving Kakashi there that's when naruto's words and guy's speech  hit him the more Kakashi thought about the worse he felt he can only remember training naruto and sakura to an extent at the tree climbing exercise after that it was all sasuke*

With rookie 10

*the rookie 10 left the field a few minutes after the fight leaving Kakashi there who was still shocked at what happened we see them sitting in a restaurant no one really spook some not knowing what to say others not wanting to be the first to talk until ino broke the silence*

Ino:i...can't believe it..naruto the deadlast of our class just beat Kakashi the copy ninja..

Shino:naruto had controlled of the situation the entire time..

Lee:it was truly and amazing fight of what can be done with training it was so...!!

Tenten:calm down Lee I'm not going to get you again from kumo

*Lee sat back down blushing embarrassed*

Hinata:there was something strange about that fight

Sakura:What do you mena strange?

Hinata:well when I used my byakugan it sting and everything was disturbed nothing was visible I couldn't explain it

*hinata rubbed her eyes slightly painfully remembering the recent event
Neji smirked as he knew what happened everyone looked at him strangely*

Kiba:neji you're hiding something spill it

Neji:it's nothing special I just gave naruto a book containing seals and it's variants

Hinata:the branch house had that?

Neji:no I got it from the main house

*neji said as he took a sip of his tea hinata was shocked*

Hinata:n..neji! How could you do you know what father will do when he figures out you stole from the main family?!

Neji:I didn't steal anything the booked belonged to naruto to begin with

Choji:what do you mean?

Neji:it was a book from the uzumaki clan written by an uzumaki now tell me what is naruto's last name again?

Shikamaru:how troublesome..

Neji:excuse me nara but this has nothing to do with you this is between my clan and naruto's clan we had something that didn't belong to us I gave it back to its rightful owner it was the honorable thing to do

Hinata:i..i..I just don't want you do get hurt..

Neji:I can take care of myself thank you anyway I never activated my byakugan because I noticed the seals in his sword

Tenten:argh don't talk about that sword I'm still in trouble for selling it to him for so cheap

*neji rubbed tenten's back to make her feel better*

Shikamaru:troublesome so what did he do?

Neji:he implemented his own creation and if I'm nor wrong which I'm rarely am it should negate any bloodline

*everyone was shocked most of all Sakura she couldn't believe naruto could do such a thing the others too thought the same to some extent*

Sai:how long did you give it to him

Neji:like 3 weeks ago give or take

Sai:fascinating to use seals at such a level in only 3 weeks really is something fascinating I was under the impression that dickless was a horrible learner..

Shikamaru:troublesome so did i something not adding up..

Kiba:come on guys it's naruto the deadlast of our class you're all making a big deal out of nothing he just got lucky!

Neji:against Kakashi? The copy ninja one of the strongest Shinobi we have right now? You're just scared that you're the real dead last of the group

*before things could Escalade any further out of nowhere shizune appeared*

Shizune:neji glad I found you lady tsunade would like to see you in her office

*neji nodded and got up not before looking at the rest of the group*

Neji:naruto is stronger then any of you give him credit for

*he dissapeared with shizune everyone got quite for a minute*

Sakura:we need to talk to naruto again..

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