chapter 17

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Coras POV:

It was later that night when me and Billie had our talk, when I decided to go to the pool. Everyone was gone, so I had the chance to sterilise the water and grab my bikini. It was a beautiful lavender silk two piece.

I sat down and two dipped my feet into the lukewarm water. I swayed my feet back and forth for a little, enjoying the peacefulness. That was before I was shoved with force into the pool.

I gasped as I fell in and got completely drenched. I turned around and looked up, seeing Billie laughing at me with her arms crossed. "What the fuck what that for you mouth breather!?" I grumbled and reached up to slap her leg.

"Ah! Watch it eleven, these are my new Gucci socks, bruh. The chlorine will ruin the print." She complained. I looked at her then her ugly socks. "I think they're better off getting ruined by the chlorine." I shrugged before jumping up to sit on the ledge beside her.

Billie rolled her eyes as I sat beside her and pulled out something from her pocket. "Whatcha got?" I asked. She placed it between her lips and faced me, "a joint." she mumbled and held a lighter to it.

"I usually only see you smoke cigarettes." I commented as she inhaled the first puff. "Yeah, well if I can get my hands on weed I will gladly smoke it over a cig." She exhaled. I nodded and let it fall silent.

Whenever it gets like this, the tension is high. I dont know what type of tension it is. Sexual, awkward, weird; it could be anything. But usually we just kinda admire each other. Well I admire her.

Shes so perfect and she doesnt have to try. Shes too good to be hanging around with me. I really dont understand why she even does but I wouldn't complain in a heartbeat.

Speaking of, my heart tends to race any time we sit in silence. It feels so intimate, yet so awkward.

I watch Billie switch her vision to me from the pool and see her eyes are beginning to look more drowsy. It obviously only takes a few puffs for shit to hit. Her beautiful, bright blue eyes now slowly forming into swollen, bloodshot slots.

"You ever been faded before?" She spoke indistinctly. "Hm?" I asked, coming out of my trans. "I said have you ever been crossed before?" She repeated. "What's that?" My eyebrows knitted together. I could hear the cackling before it even left her mouth.

She layed her head on my shoulder as she laughed abruptly. "What?" I laughed a little too.

"You seriously don't know what being cross faded is?" She asked. I slowly shook my head no. She took a puff of her blunt and wrapped her arms around me, pulling my head to ger shoulder. "My sweet, innocent, Cora. What will the world ever do with you?" She teased.

"Shut up," I pushed her off and sat up. "If you're gonna make such a big deal about it, why dont you tell me what it is?" I asked.

"Why don't I show you?" She smirked and stood up, reaching her hand out for me. I took her hand and grabbed a towel to quickly dry myself off. My curly hair dripped behind me as Billie took me hand in hand to the bar.

She grabbed a few alcoholic beverages and placed them on the counter. "Make something with those." She muffled as the blunt hung from between her lips. I glanced at her then got to work.

"You know it'd be great if this new girl could start working bedrooms instead of me." I started.

"This shit again?" She groaned, "cora I already explained this to you. Shes new, you arent. Shes not fit for the bedrooms, you are."

I listened, rolling my eyes a little as I shook the mixed drinks and ice in the shaker.

"What's her name?" I asked.

"Esmé. Shes a really sweet girl, I think you'll like her." Billie mentioned, grabbing two cups.

"Mm, im sure I will." I said, letting the bitterness rule my voice. I drained our drinks and chucked the shaker and other utensils into the sink.

"Now, let's go back outside." She giggled as she jogged outside. I followed behind, while my freshly done pedicure cried out as I walked barefoot.

We sat back down and she finished her roach, tossing it into a bush. "Now, I have another pre rolled joint so go 'head and take that." She handed me it. She handed me a neon lighter from her pocket as well and pulled her knees to her chest.

She really looked gone now, all doe eyed and pretty. "Okay, so I want you to put the joint in your mouth. Then once you do that-"

"I know how to light a joint, bil. My mom was a smoker." I interrupted. She looked at me, squinting her eyes as if they weren't already hazy enough.

Usually she gets all pissed at me for interrupting her, not this time tho.

"What?" I mumbled. She tugged at her bottom lip while her pink lips formed a smile. "Nothin. Just the name you used."

"What, bil?" I laughed. She nodded slowly, reaching over to hold my hand. Shes clearly more affectionate when in the clouds. "Its just.. normally you call me Billie, or miss. I like Bil." Her dimples grew bigger.

I sent her a smile as I pulled my hand away to guard the joint while I lit it.

"What did your mom used to smoke?" She asked while she scooched closer to me. "Everything." I sighed as I struggled lighting the stupid spliff.

"You're not doing it right, come here." She patted her lap. I scooted over to her and kneeled between her manspread legs. We were only inches apart. 

She looked so effortlessly pretty as her ocean blue hair was tied up in a messy bun. She wore no makeup apart from a little mascara, yet she was the most beautiful girl I had possibly ever seen in that moment. She was wearing just a red hoodie with the hood pulled up just behind her bun, and Louis Vuitton shorts. And of course her ugly gucci socks and matching slides.

"You shouldn't be allowed to look this beautiful, especially at 1 a.m." I said quietly. I watched her smile grow large, and felt her cold ring-covered-fingers hold my waist. She pulled me in, taking the unlit joint and lighter from my hand and placing it on the pavement beside us.

She pushed my damp curls away from my face, holding it as she stared at me in awe. I could only do the same, her face looking irresistibly kissable.

"Kiss me." I said lowly, voice laced in desperation. "I was planning on doing it anyway." She whispered and wasted no time. My face was then pressed against hers, along with our bodies. Our tongues swirled eachother mouths in search of something.

In that very moment, there was nothing I wanted more than to see Billie in her gorgeous underwear like how I have before.

I wanted to see her big, soft thighs and the way they sat when she was on her knees ready to give me the most soul snatching head of my life.

I wanted to so desperately see her in that one purple underwear set she wore last time.

I wanted her body, and I wanted it bad.

I gripped her waist, tugging on the skin slightly as she sucked on my sweet spot.

"Come back to my house." Billie groaned against my skin. I nodded as she peppered dainty kissed all over my neck and face, leaving her final one on the tip of my nose.

We both stood up slowly, and I felt a wet patch grow between my legs.

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