twenty four.

28 1 0

600 words. 


"Ah Wendy there you are."

Erza peered at the woman hunched over, out of breath. Gray snickered, "What you get in a foot chase?" Wendy sucked in breath, smiling weakly at her two friends. "Yes actually..."

She stood straight, motioning to the passed out woman behind her. "But I won."

Erza smiled, ruffling her friend's hair. "Good job, now we should find Natsu, Lucy, and Happy. Hopefully they've already found Nashi." Gray nodded in agreement, looking down to the unconscious Luther.

"What about them?"


Natsu and Lucy charged their opponents, both perfectly in sync. Just as Raven dodged a punch from Natsu, he would be hit by a Lucy kick. The couple read each other perfectly.

"Fire dragon! Wing attack!"

Lucy quickly sidestepped the fire, the blast engulfing Raven. The man fell to the ground, not catching a break as Lucy shot at him with Sagittarius, the man rolling to void arrows. Finally one struck him in the arm, the guild master crying out in pain.

"Now that we have your attention..." Natsu grinned, Lucy high fiving him. "Why don't you tell us what you want with the dragon slayers?"

Raven grimaced, kneeling down in pain. "You..." He looked up, Happy and Nashi nowhere to be found, Lucy and Natsu smirking down at the man. "N-No! How?!"

In a flash Natsu was behind him, pressing his foot into the man's back, forcing him back to the floor. "Answer the question."

"Gah! M-money! Money!"

Lucy's eyes widened, her frown deepening. "What?!" Natsu pressed his foot down harder, Raven crying out in pain. "Dragon slayer lacrimas! Multi magic dragon slayer lacrimas!" He heaved in breath, Natsu slightly lifting his foot.

"A dragon slayer lacrima that holds multiple types of dragon slayer magic...people are willing to pay a lot for that kind of power ya know..."

Lucy scowled, stepping closer. "You're telling me that you kidnapped our kids all so that you could make money? You tortured my daughter for money!?"

Tears began streaming down the woman's face, Natsu kicking the man's side, causing him to flip over. "Greedy pig." He spat, disgust lacing his voice. "You're gonna be put away for a long time."

Raven shrunk back, Natsu lifting his fist, fire engulfing it. "Stay away from Fairy Tail." He launched his fist forward, knocking the man out.



Erza stopped, staring down the hallway. Gray and Wendy came to a stop behind her, Gray drawing a brow. "What is it?" Erza squinted, "Do you hear that?"

The sound of heavy breathing approached, footsteps echoing through the hall. At the noise Carla slowly awoke, rubbing her paw against her eye. "Is that..."


The blue haired man rounded the corner, out of breath as he stumbled down the hall. "Carla!" In a puff of smoke he transformed into a cat once again, falling to the floor, Gray swiftly catching Nashi before she hit the ground.

Carla flew to tend to her partner, Gray lying Nashi down on his lap. Erza's eyes widened as she knelt beside him, "Nashi? Nashi wake up." She gently shook her shoulder, Wendy kneeling on the other side of the girl.

She wasted no time healing her, Nashi soon opening her eyes. "A-Aunt Erza..." The redhead smiled, brushing hair out of the girl's face. "Everything's okay now, you'll be home soon." Nashi smiled slightly, looking up to see Gray staring worriedly at her.

"Hey Fullbuster..."

The man rolled his eyes, quickly flicking the girl's forehead. "Don't call me that." The pinkette let out a small laugh, letting her eyes slowly close. "I'm tired..."

Wendy smiled, "Get some rest."

𝗳𝗮𝗶𝗿𝘆 𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗹; 𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝗻.Where stories live. Discover now