chapter 1

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I get home after school and see the door us open. I walk in side small two story house. There is blood on the hard wood floor. I follow the trail of blood in to the basement. My mum, dad, and Caleb are dead. No they can't be dead !
I call 911." My family was murdered. I am at South Peril street." I say.
When the copes get here they are  surprised that I am not crying, which I would be to. " Hi are you ok." The officer said to me with a confused face on. How can someone ask that when their family was just murdered. "No, just because I can handle my emotions dose not mean that I am ok!" I yell at the officer.
"I will handle her." a man walked down in to the basement. He looks like he is in his late 30 or early 40. He is tall and a dark skin tone. "Hello my name is Max." I shake his hand " I am FBI agent, and I know your parents vary well. They where the best agents in the FBI. I came because your parents would have wanted me to come to you and ask If you wanted to be a agent." I thought if I did want to be a agent, and I do. "I will, but on one condition. " I say firmly "Ok what is it." "When we find the people who killed my family you will let me give them what they deserve."I say " Don't you think you should put him I jail instead of killing them." He said with a smile. "Ok."

Hey hope you like the first chapter.
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