Chapter 10

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I wake up is a bright room, it takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the light. I look around the  medium sized room and see a bunch of people I don't know. One of the walked up to me, the man had an olive skin tone, chocolate color eyes and his hair was light brown and short.

" How are you doing Tris?" asked the good looking man, but I just gave him a weird look.  

" Who are you?'' I asked with a questioned the man.

"I am Tobies Eaton, your friend."  Tobies was looking at me very concerned.

" I'm sorry I don't remember any of you" I say and finely look at the other people in the room. They all were trying not to cry.

Most of them walk out of the room and go in to the hall to cry. Tobies stayed and explained ever thing that happened to me from why my parents weren't here to why I was here.

Thank you for reading my dook and likeing it. I felt bad for not finishing this but I did know so please for give me.
  Hope you liked my book

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