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I looked down at my phone and saw his contact name pop up on my phone. I smiled before accepting the call and putting the phone to my ear.

𝗧= 𝗧𝗮𝘂𝗿𝘂𝘀
𝗝= 𝗝𝗮𝘆𝗱𝗮

"Hey baby" I smiled as if he could see my face through the phone.

T -"Wassup Jayda, What are you doing today?"
J -"Umm I'm not doing anything today, why?"
T- "You tryna go with me to the studio?"

I forgot to mention that Taurus was actually a rapper that most people would know as "Polo G."

Sometimes he even takes me to the studio with him but most of the time I don't like to go because of the amount of smoke that they have in there. They be hot boxing the fuck outta that room!

J - "Umm..Yea you can come pick me up when you are about to go."
T - "Ok bet, I'm coming around 5 so be ready"
J- "0k see you later"

The call ended and my mind instantly went to Dess and Tae. I haven't spoke to them since the night we went to club together. I would call them but a bitch is too sleepy to conversate again.

Me and Taurus had a long day yesterday. When we left the restaurant he took me shopping and bought me a bunch of stuff. I have to admit, I had a lot of fun spending my birthday with him. I'm really happy i'm in a relationship with him.

He makes me happy.

I laid my head down on my soft fluffy pillows and dozed off to sleep.

I laid my head down on my soft fluffy pillows and dozed off to sleep

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Dayvon sat in his all black Lamborghini Urus watching Taurus's house from a distance. He couldn't take it anymore, he had to do it. He wanted her more then you knew.

He knew Taurus was there because his car was parked in the driveway so it was pretty obvious.

"Dayvon go kill his ass now!"
"Your wasting time!" The voices spoke to him.

"Ok damn shut the fuck up!" He raised his voice so the whispering would stop. He stepped out of the car dressed in all black head to toe.

Von creeped up to the house heading towards the back door and surprisingly it was unlocked.

"Dumb ass nigga" Von mumbled walking inside the house. "It look good in here so he must got money money." He thought while creeping up the stairs. Taurus was making this  way too easy for him, he was just dumb.

Von heard the tv in the master bedroom playing which meant he was most likely in there. Before he fully walked in he peaked his head in to see Taurus asleep laid out on the bed.

He picked up his phone off of the nightstand that sat beside the bed. He had on gloves so his finger prints wouldn't be on the phone.

He had no password on his phone making von sigh of relief but also shake his head in disappointment. "So fuckin dumb" He mumbled under his breath.

Von went straight to his IMessage and went to "Baby💕😍" assuming it was jayda so he could text her. But she would think it's Taurus texting of course.


Jayda, i don't think this gone work ma

What? Wdym?

I'm breaking up wit yo ass girl

Why though? I thought we were good lol.
I'm confused..

You won't be hearing from me no more ma🙂

Taurus bro..we can talk this out.
What went wrong?
Please answer.
𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍 5:34 𝙿𝙼

"What the fuck!" Taurus jumped seeing von standing over him. Von dropped the phone out of his hands and started to beat Taurus unconscious. "Ian tell you to wake up yet bitch" He said dragging him by his leg off of the bed.

Von dragged him down the stairs, making sure his head hit every one of the steps. He stopped in the kitchen and dropped his leg.

Once he grabbed his gun from his waistband he kicked Taurus in his stomach, watching as he awoke and clutched his stomach from the pain.

"How you feel? You got my bitch and all type of shit" Von laughed as Taurus looked up at him in confusion. "Nigga who is yo bitch?!"

"Jayda." Is what he said before shooting him in both of his kneecaps. Taurus screamed and cried in pain all awhile von just watched, smirking evilly.

He felt very happy inside seeing Taurus in pain. That's how he felt every time he killed someone. He didn't know what it was, all he knew was that he just liked killing..with a passion.

"Now yo ass finna die for fucking with what's mine"

"Last words?" Von asked him, bending down to his level. "F-"

Before he could even get a word out, He stood up and emptied his clip on Taurus. Letting each and every bullet go through his body.

"Fuck yo last words nigga" He said before opening the cabinet to pull out lighter fluid. Von knew it was there because he was the one who put it there 2 days ago.

He poured it all over Taurus and all over the kitchen then dropped the bottle on the floor.

"Hoe ass" Von dropped the match then walked out of the house with a wicked smile on his face.

Now Jayda was his and if any other nigga wanted to get in the middle of that, von had no problem with them dying too.
Taurus gone now😂

Anyways how y'all like the book so far?
Vote and comment for the next chapter!


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