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Shower water comes as perfect rain, warm and steady, awakening my skin in all the right ways.

I grabbed the black wash cloth i had got out of the hallway closet and began to wash my body. Whenever i showered, I felt at peace.

No one to bother me, not having to worry what problems i'm dealing with, just alone time all together.

When i finished washing up, I stepped out of the shower after turning the water off then wrapped the white rayon towel around my body.

When i dried off, i did the simple things like lotion my body, brush my teeth, and brush through my hair with a blue brush i found in the drawer.

Yesterday after me and Von had that little..talk, He had brung a few boxes in the room and told me that i had some cloths. I guess i can say that it took a little weight off of my shoulders to know that.

Once i put on a pair of brown laced panties with a matching bra, I threw on a cropped black tank top and some black leggings.

I wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone, especially Von so i figured that I'll just take a small nap.

I wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone, especially Von so i figured that I'll just take a small nap

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My eyes fluttered open from hearing the commotion coming from downstairs. I sat up in my bed before throwing the covers from over me and getting out of my bed.

When i reached the stairs, i heard voices coming from the living room but i didn't really care to see who they were at the moment.

I walked downstairs and straight into the kitchen to open the refrigerator but then sighed when i saw that there was nothing inside other than Water, Orange Juice, and Grapes.

"Excuse me" I heard someone say from behind me. I closed the refrigerator then turned around to see who it was.

My eyebrows raised in surprise when i saw that it was India Royale, the girl i knew on Instagram.

"Yes?" I replied.

"If you're looking for food, von brought you some Chick-fil-A." She pointed at the kitchen table that had a Chick-fil-A bag sitting on it.

"Oh, thanks" I walked over to grab the bag. Not to be mean but if she couldn't tell, i was trying to end the conversation but apparently she didn't because she was right on my trail.

"I'm India, we follow each other on Instagram." She tenderly smiled.

"Yeah, i'm surprised to see you" I chuckled as she did the same. "How do you know von?"

"Well since Durk and Von are like brothers, i met von through him in 2018. Durk's my boyfriend by the way." She explained.

"Oh..well I'll maybe see you later India." I turned around to walk back toward the stairs until she gently grabbed my arm, causing me to turn back around with furrowed eyebrows.

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