He rape me and the downfall of the 7 Mafia Kings Part 23

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Ivy woke up from a deep slumber she slid out of the bed while yawing and stretching, put on her comfy slippers, and got up and went to her bathroom

Her outfit

She did a no makeup look, and went downstairs to see Lilly serving the guys their breakfast

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She did a no makeup look, and went downstairs to see Lilly serving the guys their breakfast

Ben: " why are you guys trying to be me?" he said when he saw Ivy

Mark: " what do you mean Ben" he said looking at him

Ivy: " do I need permission to dress the way I want?" she said going to the refrigerator and get a piece of bread with orange juice

William: " no you don't, but you look beautiful Ive" he said watching her every move

Ivy: " thanks" she said trying not to blush, because he never give her a compliment

At collage

Leah: " Ivyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" she said running to her

Ivy: " anything news you want to tell me"

Leah: " no lets go to class before we are late" she said holding her hands

At class

Kevin walk in the class wearing an all black outfit

Leah: " you look like a bad boy" she said laughing

Ivy: " you mean he look like a heart breaker" she said laughing with Leah, Kevin look at them

Kevin: " whats so funny" he said with a cool voice Leah immediately stop laughing and look at Ivy who is still laughing really hard

Leah: " Ivy umm I think you should stop laughing" she said looking at her

Ivy: " what Leah, he look ( laughing) like ( laughing)" Kevin couldn't help himself and end up laughing with her

Kevin: " you know that your laughing is really ugly" he said still laughing

Ivy: " ha ha ha very funny" she said in an serious tone, he went to her and sat beside her

Kevin: " so who is laughing" he said looking at her, she try to not look at him her eyes met with Lilly eyes

Ivy: " can I kiss you" she said looking at his lips

Kevin: " yes, but not he-" he got cut off when she place a soft peck on his lips, she heard a lot of people gasping and a lot of whisper

Lilly: " are you kidding me Kevin" she said looking at him

Ivy: " Let me tell you this, Kevin is mine and will forever be mine, so find someone else" she said putting her head on his buff chest

5 hours letter

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