Period cramps

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Ivy woke up with cramps she got up from her bed with both of her hands on her stomach, she squat down as the pain so too much. After some minutes she got up walking to her bathroom, she brush her teeth, she reach to the cabinet hoping for a pad but she ran out she let out an sigh, she then sat on the toilet seat reaching for a paper tiusse and make an tiuess pad and place them on a new underwear.
Soon later Ivy went to the pharmacies, she got a box's of pa, some chocolate, and pain relief. She then notice a tampons box and she really wanna learn how to put it on cause she's and pad girl as putting on tampons was scary for her, so she got it and but it.
3 hours later Ivy was the only one home as the guys and girls went to their office, she decided to try to make them Japanese foods, so she walk to the kitchen and make Japanese food for the guys she packed them in containers, she then took her car keys with the foods with her and drove to the guys office, it was a big office compare to the one the have back home in America.
She gather her courage and walk inside the office surprised at the front door being open she walk in and look around, she started walking to the front desk and asked where the guys are. The lady working for them who has a secret crush on all of the guys gave her a dirty looks

Lady: " and who are you?" She asked checking Ivy looking disgusted by the way she dress

Ivy: " I-Ivy" she stutter

Lady: " the guys are busy right now" she said

Ivy: " can I see them just for a minute, I wanna give them something"

Lady: " I said the guys are busy okay so turn yourself around and go back to where you belong" she said, but Ivy being herself decided to keeping walking looking for their office, the lady working started yelling at her to get back, Ivy saw a door saying "DO NOT DISTURB" and she did the opposite she walk as the lady shouts no
Her eyes then went on the guys full of ruthless criminals and Mafia " I'm fucked up" she cussed herself out for not listening to the lady.
All eyes were on her, some took their guns out and point it at her, the room was not only filled with Mafia's and criminals but with alot of guns laying on the table, on the wall, on the floor.
The guys was surprised at first, her heart beating fast, fast.

Kevin: " what you doing here?" A voice from behind her, she turn around and saw Kevin

Ivy: " I- I uh I brought y-you guys I mean I cook you guys a food and I brought it to you guys" she hand the food over to Kevin and quickly headed for the door, but got stop when two mens in black stop her, the grabbed on her hands and brought her to Jin

Jin: " let her go" he said, and the obey she couldn't hold her tears anymore and cried out telling them to let her go

Jimin: " Ivy woah, woah, we not gonna kill you" he said laughing she look over at him still crying

Jin: " give us to space" he said, everyone got up leaving the room. Now it's only the seven guys and her, she got up and slap everyone except Kevin, the guys were shocked

Larry: " what we do!?" He asked

Ivy: " for making me cry" she said wiping her tears

Kevin: " not gonna lie you acting like a pick me" he said and she took that personally, she look at him eating her food in disbelief

Kevin: " I said what I said, and let me guess you came here cause your hony" he said, she filp him off and he took that personally, he gave William his food and walk up to her

Kevin: " do that again" he said, she did it again, so he pick her up and pinned her against the wall

Kevin: " do it again" he said, she couldn't help herself but burst out laughing, and he join her he gave her to Ben and walk towards William as she still keeps on laughing

Ivy: " Kevin- I can't breathe" she said

Kevin: " yall I promise she can't take no shit to serious, she always laughing at serious things or important things" he said, but the guys didn't care the where just happy Ivy and Kevin are smiling and laughing
She then felt two cold hands going up her thighs, she looked at Ben who smile at her, she smack his hand and got up not looking at where she was about to sit, she sat on something that felt like a human she got up quickly and realized she accidentally sat on Kevin

Kevin: " damm girl I thought you were heavy like hell but turns out wrong" he said laughing, everyone jaw drop and honestly she took it as a backhanded compliment.

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