wannabe like her

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Jimin and Kevin's friendship changes after what happened between them.
Ivy started keeping an eye on the duo as they always stay so close like before
Now Ivy was laying on Jimin's chest talking as he told her a funny story that once happen to him, her left hand began moving down to his pants he noticed her actions but let her do as she, pleased, her hands went inside his boxers and started stroking his dick slowly, he let out a moan as Ivy stoking becomes fast, she sat up and sit on his chest her butt facing Jimin, she took his dick out and kiss the tip she then felt a ran rubbing her clit, Jimin pulls her ass closer and then the door open

Kevin: " Am I interrupting something?" He asked, Ivy, stop doing what she was about to do and let out a sigh as Kevin interrupt them

Jimin: " nah you good" Ivy hit him

Larry: " hyung send me half a million won" he asks with his phone on his out his eyes met with Ivy

Larry: " oh yeah mama," he said, he walks towards her and sat near her

Ivy: " I'm hungry Larry"

Kevin: " what you wanna eat?" He asked, his hands then went inside Jimin pant
Larry got up and let the room

Ivy: " just fuck him Kevin fuck him" she said the look confused

Ivy: " why you two looking at me like that, I already know what you two did"
Kevin was about to say something then the door open to a girl calling Jimin

Su-A: " OPPA!" She shouts

Jimin: " what?"

Su-A: " I just save your live, give me 500 hundred yen" she said

Kevin: " what you mean Su-A"

Su-A: " well umma was talking to her friend I think and she mentions something about you oppa about you getting a girlfriend" she said standing with her hand crossed, she then look over to Ivy whose on busy putting on lipgloss her eyes softened, she tilted her head starting at Ivy who doesn't know that she's looking at her

Jimin: " why you starting at my wife" he raise his voice pulling by her waist closer to him, Ivy turned her head a little bit and their face was inches away,she felt herself getting wet by staring at Jimin's face

Su-A: " wife?"

Kevin: " that's his girlfriend," he said getting up, and leaving the room

Su-A: " well umma said get out she cook some Korean food for you" she said, Jimin immediately got up, as he miss his mother cooking, he then pick Ivy up and brought her to the dinner table
Now everyone was seated as maids served them Korean food
They started talking and laughing, and making jokes, Su-A watch Ivy very close " she's laughing, how could she sit there and laugh, and look so beautiful," she said, she couldn't stop staring at Ivy

Heather: " why are you staring at Ivy like that?" She asked politely

Su-A: " Oppa she's so beautiful, I wanna be like her when I grow up" she said, Sana, Mina, and Minne look like their about to throw up

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