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It's June currently so how could I resist a oneshot of our groups going to Pride!

I threw in as much characters I knew were LGBT in here. Most of these are canon by the way.

Enjoy LGBT Community and Happy Pride! ( ^.^)/ <3

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Pairing: GF X BF

Genre: Regular / fluff

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"Come on babe! I wanna make sure I get to see the parade!" Girlfriend called out to Boyfriend, who was trying to get Bisexual Flag out of his closet. "I got it!" Boyfriend yelled. He wrapped the Flag around his neck, making a cape out of it. Soon meeting his lover down the stairs, both excited to enjoy pride together with all of their friends. Girlfriend wore a Rainbow bandana in her hair, with a Tank Top that had the LGBTQ+ flag on it with "LOVE IS LOVE" on the top and bottom, complementing it with some denim shorts and Black sneakers. She also wore heart-shaped sunglasses to protect her eyes from the bright sun. "Babe, you look great!" Boyfriend cheered. "I could say the same about you, pumpkin!" Girlfriend replied back. Boyfriend wore a t-shirt with the Bisexual flag on it which was cut so the lower belly of his showed. He also had cargo shorts, along with his iconic red sneakers and cap, now with a Bisexual Pin on it. "Aww, it's nothing, baby." He said. Girlfriend grabbed her backpack and the two went out the door of their apartment, locking it on the way out.

After sneaking their way past the protesters and clowns, they soon made it to their meeting spot for the Parade, and all of their friends were ready. They decided to meet at a section of the park with a big tree, benches, and a perfect view of the parade. "It was about time you two lovebirds showed up." Pico teased. The gun-slinging ginger had a Gay flag cape and a green tanktop instead of his usual green sweater. "You two look great!" Hex happily complimented. The B-Ball robot wore his usual sportswear but wore a Pansexual flag cape along with it. He also had his TV Screen decorated with Pride stickers. Whitty and Carol were also with Hex, wearing similar attire to Girlfriend. "Where's Annie and Garcello?" Boyfriend asked the group. "They went to go get McDonalds." Carol answered, laying under the tree to get shade. Soon enough the two arrived with their snack. Annie had a Transgender cape and a MTF pin to go along with it. Garcello had a Pansexual pin on the brim of his hat and a patch on his hoodie. "Hey Little Man." The ghostly smoker said. "Hey Garcello!" Boyfriend replied. "Hi Annie!", "Hey dude." Annie said.

It wasn't before long that the Parade began. Floats with rainbows, drag queens, families, and more filled the streets. The group waving their flags and cheering. Soon enough they started following the parade until they made it to the area they planned. Everyone made sure to drink water they brought to keep hydrated from the hot sun. They ran into other groups of people, some even taking pictures with them from Boyfriend and Girlfriend's popularity of Boyfriend's rapping career. Soon enough after a successful Pride, the two lovers walked home to their apartment. 

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I wrote this while my class watched a MLK movie so I zoned out at my screen a lot because of how violent some of the scenes got. I'm over here writing a cute little oneshot while I hear the screams and yells of peaceful protesters getting whipped and beaten by white supremacists. Not all that pleasant now that I think about it. I made this short since I didn't really know what to do to be able to drag this. Thanks for reading though, more coming soon.

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