Corrupted roblox

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"What do we do!" Karlee cried
"There is only one thing to do.." vivi said while being concerned.

She pulled Karlee into a game that she had never played before. Vivi was unsure if her plan was going to work but she tried because she would rather try then sit there and die. This game was a game she made a long time ago. She made the game called potion making . She grabbed the paper, the portal, the spider, and the bug. She mixed it together. Karlee helped her because the spoon was heavy. "Poof" a potion appeared. "This is what we need!" Vivi yelled.

Vivi then poured her so-called potion in to the System... "BOOM!!" An explosion happened.

"VIVI IT WORKED!" Karlee surprisingly said. Five portals appeared. They did not know were they lead. Little did they known one of the portals would bring them home. They jumped in the third one. They finally saw some people and they asked where they were and what is your name. The person said "my name is maxine and this is Hawkins." Maxine said. "But please call me Max!" Max said
Vivi and Karlee new where they were. "Are we in stranger things!" They both said.

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