What If That Isn't Me?

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The meeting with the heroes concerning Y/N's disappearance had gone well. Bakugo had learned that she had been taken to an abandoned warehouse not too far from the docks. It was an area of town where there was little pedestrian traffic and even fewer heroes who patrol the area. It was ideal for a villain hideout. A recon team was being sent to scope out the situation. It was important to gather as much intel as possible before blasting in. Bakugo felt unsteady knowing that they would have to wait for the information before they could bring Y/N home, but he also knows how important it was to be properly prepared in this situation. His thoughts are interrupted when he feels a hand on his shoulder.

"How are you? I'm surprised that you're not pushing them to move faster."

Bakugo looks up at his previous best friend. Kirishima is giving him a concerned look. Bakugo sits back in his chair and crosses his arms as he stares at the floor. He still finds it hard to look him in the eye after everything that has happened.

"Honestly? I'm a fucking mess and barely holding it together."

Under normal circumstances, the explosive blond-haired person would never be open with his emotions, but he was alone with Kirishima. He felt comfortable enough to speak his mind. He needed someone to talk to about how he was feeling, and Kirishima use to be that person. Granted, most of the time he didn't divulge all that much information, but Kirishima had the ability to know what was bothering him without him needing to say anything. He just understood. He missed that connection, and it seems that because of the situation he was offering a truce with Bakugo. He was grateful that he was willing to put the past aside even if it was just temporary.

"Yeah, I get it. I feel the same. I just want to see her safe. Ya know? Remember when you two always fought? It drove me crazy."

The memories of when Bakugo first started to converse with his girlfriend floods his mind. He couldn't stand her at the time, but the more he thinks about it the more he thinks he might have been jealous that his best friend was spending most of his time with this new person. This person who never use to mean anything to either of them and now, they both want nothing more than to have her back with them.

"I'd give anything to be breaking up one of those fights right now instead of dealing with this."

The memories are making Kirishima feel nostalgic. Bakugo looks over at the redhead and observes the sad look on his face. He understands that while his relationship with Y/N is no longer intimate he still cares a great deal for her. A pain of guilt washes over him as he thinks about the past and the way Kirishima's relationship had disintegrated, partly because of him.

"Shitty-No. Kirishima."

The redhead looks up at the use of his name by Bakugo with wide eyes. This was unexpected and a little weird. He doesn't talk, but Bakugo can see that he had his attention.

"I'm sorry. Shit, I'm sorry about everything that happened with Y/N. It wasn't right."

Kirishima looks down to the ground and brings his hand to rub the back of his neck.

"Yeah, it was a bad situation. I know you didn't mean to get involved. It just happened. It sucks, but what's done is done."

Bakugo feels slightly disheartened. He was hoping they could start to mend their friendship, but it looks like Kirishima still needs more time. He's surprised when Kirishima starts to speak again.

"With that said, it doesn't mean I don't want to be your friend. I do. I wasn't being very manly for part of that situation either. I unintentionally pushed her away. Then this happened and it scares the fuck outta me. It reminds me of what happened to you last year. I don't want to be mad at you and then something happens that I never see you again. There are bigger things in the world to worry about. I also miss the hell outta you, man."

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