What The Hell Happened?

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Y/N tries to help Himiko pack the supplies they'll need for their move to the next hideout. She looks as Himiko grabs a duffle bag she had been keeping her clothes in and starts to stuff miscellaneous clothing into the bag. She also watches as she grabs various tools and stuffed animals to take with her as well. As she watches her sister, she realizes that there seems to be a lack of items for herself. There are almost no personal effects and the clothes and items she was told were hers seem like they belonged to Himiko more than her or as if someone else had picked them out for her. The feeling that something was still off was still bothering her. She should have more personal items. Himiko doesn't have a lot to pack, but it's still considerably more. Y/N opens her mouth to say something when the door to the room swings open so hard it slams into the wall. It causes the two girls to flinch and stare at the intruder.

"We gotta leave in 10 minutes ladies. Crusty says he'll disintegrate anyone who makes him wait. He's probably full of shit."

Y/N sees a lazy smile on Dabi's face as he moves towards the mattress on the floor that they had been sleeping on. She sees him take a seat and lean back watching the pair pack their things.

"Any idea where we're moving next, Dabi?"

Dabi looks at Y/N and shrugs his shoulders.

"Not my job to find the hideouts. I'm mainly in charge of recruiting. Crusty takes care of the hideouts himself. He doesn't trust anyone else to be thorough in choosing a place. I could probably find a place for just the two of us though if you're interested."

Her face wrinkled in disgust.

"I'm good. Thanks."

Dabi smirks at her reaction. Y/N knew he was merely teasing with his suggestive ideas. He seemed to like to keep things light. She wonders if it's because their overall situation wasn't the most pleasant.

"Done. I think we're ready to go. I made sure to get all of our things. I would ask Y/N if we're missing anything, but I'm guessing you can't remember."

Y/N gives a sad smile to Himiko.

"I don't, but I trust that you got everything. We should meet up with the others."

As they start to pick up their thing's Y/N grabs a bag and throws it at Dabi who had just started to rise from the bed. The force of the bag knocks him back.

"You stupid bitch. Why'd you do that? I'm not carrying your shit."

She laughs at his reaction and continues to the door while carrying two bags of her own.

"If you're going to be a pain and linger around us, the least you can do is help carry our stuff. Now, let's go."

Dabi gives her a look of disbelief but trails behind the two as they make their way out front.

They meet with Shigaraki and a few other people that Y/N wasn't entirely associated with yet. Well, maybe she had been friends with them at some point, but the memory loss makes life inconvenient she thinks. It was frustrating. So frustrating she can feel that heaviness pulsing within her and it was starting to fray like the thread in a sweater unraveling. It scared her, but as the threads pulled away, she can tell that she was becoming indifferent to the idea of holding back. Everything was starting to feel somewhat numb. The smallest part of her conscience was holding to what was left, but she wasn't sure why at this point. Maybe, that part of her was afraid of the unknown or maybe there was something in her memories that needed her to hold on. She pushes the heaviness back again and refocuses on Shigaraki who had started speaking.

"Let's go. We can't stay any longer. If you forget something I don't fucking care. Complain to someone else."

As Shigaraki opens the door they head out to an alley and over to a van with tinted windows. Spinner opens the door and starts packing luggage into the back. They start to move into the van when several bodies appear suddenly. Y/N looks around frightened at the figures. They all appear the same with a dark masked figure wearing a trench coat. They moved to swarm the group and she immediately forms a fireball in front of herself as she observes the situation. The next thing she notices is that the figures have started attacking every member of the group. Everyone except her. She tilts her head and wonders if she also gained the ability to turn invisible. That would be awesome actually, but the thought leaves quickly when she sees Himiko struggling a bit with her figure. She furrows her brow and attempts to launch a fireball in that direction to help her sister, but notices that her fireball is extinguished before she can launch it. Her brow furrows when she feels a cloth wrap around her.

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