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Greetings, dear reader. Pull up a seat...that star to your left should do. It's quite warm. Normally, I believe meetings such as these require an introduction but, given that you're floating in an endless void of stars and light that consists of the lower part of my left thumb, I think it's safe to assume that your brain can only handle so much.

I've been keeping track of the things happening in your world and decided that perhaps, during your endless endeavors to distract yourself from reality, that you might like to hear stories of other worlds. Different times and dimensions. The planet you live on, and in fact the very galaxy it inhabits are nought but mere specks in a larger being. A mote of dust floating along a strand of hair atop her shimmering head.

Perhaps I have said too much. In that case, let us speak of other things. Contained within are stories of Gods (as you call them), monsters (as you also call them), Aliens, regular people, irregular people and, if I'm feeling very generous later, a tale of a squirrel that destroyed a city. Sit back, drink whatever liquid you wish to numb yourself with and enjoy.

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