Chapter 11: so happy

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I grabbed my face and gasped as Ezra kneeled down and reached for my hand. "Aria, when I lost you I lost myself. When I found you it was like my whole world was brought back to me. When I first laid eyes on you I knew I had to get to know you. Through everything you stayed by my side. I fell in love with you. you made me feel something I've never felt with anyone else. It was real. after talking with your dad I realized I will always love and protect. I just want you by my side forever because I'm so in love with you Aria. Will you marry me?" I looked around crying seeing my mom and dad holding hands smiling. My mom was tearing up. I saw how happy everyone was but then I realized how big my smile was too. The only kind of smile I get when I'm around Ezra. "Of course I'll marry you."

I was so excited for Aria because she's my best friend. I didn't know what to say thinking that could be me and Toby. I got my phone out under the table and texted Johnny and Toby. I made my mind up.

I held Ali's hand smiling seeing how happy Aria was with Ezra and thinking of how miserable she was without him. I looked around and realized this picture was wrong. I reached for my phone and texted someone who should be here but for heaven knows why.

I looked at my daughter seeing her smile that big made me see how happy she is with him. They've been through so much together. After Aria told me what really happened with Ezra including why they had their big break up and what he did to try and fix it made me realize all the sacrifices they've made. If a guy is willing Tijuana in front of the bullet for my daughter after they break up then I'm more than willing to bless the marriage knowing she'll be in good hands.

Why don't you guys all go out and celebrate well clean up here. I watched as everyone piled out Aria ran back through the door and hugged me. "Daddy I love you. Thank you." "I love you too sweetheart." She kissed my cheek and ran outside with Ezra standing waiting for her. She reached for his hand for her to lean her head on his arm. I've never seen Aria so happy.

--the next day--

I woke up with a hangover but I had to clean up and meet Emily. She wanted to talk I wasn't sure why. I showed up at the brew. Emily walked in and came to the back she shut the curtain. "What in the hell happened between you and Hanna?" "She moved on. Can't you see." "Caleb she's miserable. I can see it in her eyes when she looked at me last night. That's why I texted you. Also Aria and Ezra got engaged last night. She's getting married a week or two after graduation. It's her moms wish due to mom leaving for the summer and they wanted to get married over the summer before Aria went off to college. You have to make things right." "We can't. She cheated and A's regrouping she said." "That's why..." Emily mumbled under her breathe. "What was that Emily?" "Oh nothing. Look I have a plan and you have to go with it."

I asked Caleb to stay at the brew I called Hanna to meet me at the brew I called Ali to rush here as well. Hanna showed up as Ali walked in. I made sure Ali was in place as me and Hanna walked in. We walk in order our coffee and I turn and say I'm going to the bathroom so han will look that way.

I see Caleb. He looks miserable. A blonde was rubbing his back but I couldn't see her face. I saw him look up and her grab his chin and kiss him. I walked out and left. I texted Emily I had to go. I went outside the brew and slouched down next to the building in tears on the ground.

"What in the hell are you doing Ali!?" "Sorry I don't like you like this believe me. It's for the best why I did this. It was to see if Hanna still loved you. And she does." "How do you know that? Huh? She's in love with Travis. I got to go." I walk out and heard crying I turn and look it's Hanna on the ground. "Hanna are you okay?" "Yeah yeah just me and Travis had a bad argument. I gotta go." She said.

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