Chapter 12: true love

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I watched Hanna walk away from me. She pulled out her phone and I turned the other way walking away. Everything aches because I lost my whole world. I walked home and just sat there staring at the walls.

I started planning arias wedding today she graduates in two days and gets married 4 days later. The day before I leave for the summer. It's crazy.

I called Travis to see what he was doing he asked if I was okay I just told him I stubbed my toe. He made dinner plans for us tonight. I felt like I was torturing myself being with Travis when I wanted to be with Caleb. I'm just waiting on that little text to come from A.

After last night I stayed home with my mom for the day she started planning my wedding so I called the girls over to help. Everyone came over and helped her. I didn't really pay much attention to it because I was scared and getting more nervous as the day became closer. I sat on the couch and began writing my vows. I felt like it took me forever but it reality I wrote them for 3 hours pouring my heart into them and I haven't even finished. That's how I knew I loved him. I ran up into my room today to grab my phone I had 6 missed texts. I didn't really reply to any of them they weren't that important just old friends wanting to know what happened.

I tried to stay away from Aria today so I can start writing my vows. I stayed in the back of the brew in my office writing.

"After three hours if say it's time to go pick out some graduation dresses ladies!" we all got in my car I tried to finish by 8 I grabbed an extra dress for dinner tonight with Travis. we drove back to arias I got ready there and left. I drove to the restaurant and forgot how Caleb always takes a late night walk around here. I saw him across the street he was stumbling then he fell. "Caleb!?" I ran to him. I helped him up. "You look amazing." I looked down and back up at him. "Thank you." I smiled "you better go." "No wait are you drunk? Do you need a ride home or something?" "No I'm fine." I walked into the restaurant Travis had a window seat. I tried not to watch Caleb. I saw he just sat there at the bench. "Han are you okay?" "Yeah yeah I'm sorry." "are you sure because I feel your still in love with Caleb out there. Maybe you should go help him. We can take some other day when you make up your mind." He walked out and so did I. I walked over and sat next to Caleb. "Come on. I'm taking you home." I grabbed his hand and walked with him to my car. I drove off. "Where's your boyfriend?" "Look Caleb I'm only telling you this because your probably not going to remember it. I never cheated on you. I still love you. I lied because I don't want A punishing you for me escaping. Your who I care most for besides my friends. I can't let anything hurt you." I looked over and saw he was asleep and didn't even hear it. I got out of the car and helped him up the stairs. I got husked from his pocket and helped him to his bed. I sat on his couch till morning. I laid out 2 Advil and a Gatorade and an ice pack and left a note and left. I shut the door quietly. I walked to my car and drove back to arias to continue wedding plans. we had only a few things left and we had appointments for our nails in the evening.

I stayed the night with Aria last night and so did Ali. Ali came over later and I wasn't sure what time Hanna was coming over. We heard the door bell and we opened the door it was Hanna. Ali sat across the table Hanna didn't say anything to her. She just got straight to working on this wedding. Arias mom asked us all to get in the car to go look at the venue for the wedding and reception. We got there and the church was beautiful. The reception room was coming together. It seemed perfect but the day was over and we had to go get our nails done.

I can't believe I graduate today. In less than 20 days I leave Ezra. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that. At Least i know he'll be mine forever. Emily did my hair and and Hanna did my makeup. We all took turns getting ready. We showed up on the football field took our seats. They called our names and when they called my name I walked to the stairs looked out into the audience and saw Ezra smiling and clapping. I saw my mom and dad and how happy they were. I saw mike. He smiled too. I walked off stage and sat back down finally it was over. All the girls and our families decided to go out and celebrate.

After dinner with everyone I decided to meet with Johnny. I waited for him to show up. He sat down. "Johnny look I don't know how to say this but you really are a great guy. You've been there for me for awhile. But our kiss meant nothing. I'm sorry." He wakes out and left. I knew he was leaving rosewood and moving for good once I heard he got kicked out of school again. Toby showed up. I ran to him. "Toby I love you." I kissed him and knew I made the right decision.

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