3 - Gone

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The trip through the dimensional rift invoked a very peculiar sensation. My surroundings were whizzing by in an indistinct blur of colors as I sat down, staring blankly off in the distance with no more tears left to cry.

The ground I landed on cushioned my fall with a pile of leaves and vines. It didn't matter, though. Even if I landed on jagged rocks, I probably wouldn't have noticed.

I remained in same, seated position I was in during the trip, not even bothering to take in my surroundings.

She was gone.

I would never have the chance to see her again.

Those two thoughts triggered another wave of emotions as I heaved out dry sobs.

I began recalling the near three months we had spent together; how caring she was, treating me like her own blood. I didn't care that she had prolonged sending me home so that I would stay with her. Through the short time I had been with Sylvia, she taught me so much and given me insight into magic that would be immensely helpful in my future as a mage.

Succumbing to my desire to sleep in order to cope with the pain, I curled up into a ball, only to immediately prop back up when I felt a searing pain near my mana core.

The burning sensation spread from my core throughout my body until a voice echoed in my head.

"Ahem! Testing, testing... Ah good! Hello Tess, this is Sylvia."

My heart fluttered as I instantly responded to the voice. "Sylvia! I'm here! Can you hear..."

"If you're listening to this right now, it means I have shown you what I actually am."

A look of pain returned to my face when I realized it was just a recording, and Sylvia wasn't here to talk to me anymore. I frowned and continued to listen to the voice.

"You must have many questions, but right now, you're nowhere near ready to know the whole truth. As you grow up, more of the situation will naturally become clear to you. Eventually, when your mana core reaches a level past the white stage, you will hear the other message I have stored with you. At that time, I will explain everything and what you do from there is your choice."

There was a stage past white?

"For the moment, I will leave you with this: I have left you with my unique will. This will allow you to tap into some of my powers and is something incomparable to a normal beast will. If you are able to use my will effectively, it will significantly aid your future as a mage."

Was that why the purple in her eyes and golden patterns disappeared?

"Lastly, Tess... I know you may be in grief but remember that you still have your family to comfort you and a duty to the stone I entrusted you to protect. My only wish is for you to embrace the joys and innocence of childhood, train hard, and make your parents and I proud. Do not go chasing after shadows in a fit of rage. There is a reason for everything, and I do not regret what has happened. With this, I bid you farewell for now. Remember, protect your family and the stone, study what I have left you, and enjoy your life, Tess."

After this, the voice went silent. I curled up and thought over the slew of new information I had just been told. Sylvia was probably dead. Having this fact reaffirmed hurt just as much as the first time I had realized it. I shed a silent tear before thinking about the next things she said.

She gave me something called a will, something I had never heard about before. She did say it would help me in the future, though. I'm also a prodigy for awakening this early. I'm surely going to be a powerful mage in the future. Muahaha...

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