13 - Nightmares

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After teleporting to the beast glades, we began walking to the dungeon. While some of us would have been able to take a much faster pace, like myself and the augmenters, Angela and Durden would not have been able to keep pace with us for long.

Suddenly, Sylvie jumped out of my pocket and started running around me in circles. Angela perked up immediately. "Who is THAT adorable little creature?"

"She's my bond. Her name is Sylvie."

I could feel, and we could all see, Sylvie's excitement to be in the Beast Glades. She had grown a lot over the past 6 months, and she was able to talk in full sentences through our telepathic link. 'I want to explore! I want to hunt!'

I smiled and nodded at her. 'Ok. Stay safe and make the most of this. We won't be here for long.'

Angela visibly deflated as she watched Sylvie run off into the woods without acknowledging her.

"Boohoo... Sylvie, why..."

She stayed like this for some time before brightening up again. She began asking me questions about Sylvie, like how old she was and how we met. I gave her some short answers so she would get bored and stop asking. I noticed Arthur giving me a conflicted look when I told her how I met Sylvie in a forest. I realized he must still be thinking about how I misled him with that particular piece of information.

As we kept walking, we kept an eye out for threats, but nothing appeared. We most likely wouldn't be attacked on our way to the dungeon since this area was frequently traveled. The most dangerous and the most agressive threats would have already been killed. Most of the beasts that were left in these parts were non-aggressive and weak, making it a perfect area for inexperienced, low-rank adventurers.

We trekked slowly through the forest; The whole party silent since there wasn't much to talk about. Eventually, Adam couldn't hold it in any longer.

"I'm so bored. I know! Let's play a game. I spy with my little eye... something green!"

I stared at him, deadpan. Everything around us was green. I was about to comment this when Angela spoke up. "Ooh, is it Vine's cute mask?"

I realized that I was still wearing my mask and took it off, putting it into my dimensional ring. "You can call me Tessia when it's just us. Just remember to call me Vine when I have the mask on."

"Tessia, what a pretty name. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me!"

Adam spoke up. "Nope. Tessia's mask was not the thing I spied. Guess again!"

Arthur was next. "The entire forest?"

Adam shook his head. "Nope, not the entire forest. It was a part of the forest, though."

Helen and Durden shook their heads, realizing this was going to go on for a while. Helen looked at Durden and told him, "I'll keep watch for the first part of the trip. You can keep watch for the second part. This is a safe area, but you never know..."

I spoke up. "I'll keep watch for the third."

Helen looked at me, surprised. "You don't have to, Tessia."

"I want to. It'll be less boring."

"Well, alright. Forgive me for being cautious, but I'm going to have Jasmine keep watch with you. I've met you already, and I see you're a good person. However, I haven't seen you in action, so I don't know if you're a good watch yet."

I nodded, knowing this was fair. From what I had seen, Helen was a kind person, and a good leader. She kept a level head, and somehow knew how to keep everyone in a good mood. Between her, Adam, and Angela, the Twin Horns seemed to always stay positive and communicating.

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