A New Ally And The Egg

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I awoke the next morning from my stomach growling. That was when I realized that I hadn't eaten since arriving in that world. I regretted not keeping any of the fruit I got for Selzon. There was some food in the hunting supplies but I lost it to some birds on the way back to the city. Another thing that dawned on me was the fact I hadn't bathed since arriving either. I went to go do so and then got dressed afterward.

During my shower I looked at my palm to find that the picture of fruit was no longer there, I took this to mean my next mission hadn't come yet. I headed to the checkout desk and asked the clerk where I could get some breakfast. She informed me that there was a dining room down the hall. The food the world had was unusual, to say the least.

To start they had a type of meat that resembled bacon but had a distinct sweetness to it. Some eggs were colored a bright pink and contained red yolk. It had a spiciness to it that I could smell. I fixed some bacon and eggs topped with cheese that was a turquoise color and had a light fish smell to it. This was sandwiched between some sweet bread that had yellow berries baked into it.

This was topped with some white cream cheese that had a lemony scent to it. I drank this with a glass of juice that tasted like apple and grape juice mixed. Halfway into my sandwich, I felt pain in my hands. I looked down to see a half oval covered in stars on my left palm and someone's face on my right palm. They were one of those people I mentioned who looked mostly like a regular human with a few other animal features.

This one, in particular, had antennae sticking out of his head. I finished the rest of my breakfast and headed out. Not sure of what dangers my task would bring I decided to bring the revolver along. I thought about bringing the other guns along. However, I was still sore from the kickback they caused and didn't think I would be able to use them without injuring myself. In fact, I had a bruise on my chest caused by them.

I showed the clerk my right palm but she didn't recognize the person drawn on it. I decided that asking around the city would be my best option. I had two slivers on me in case there was something I needed to buy. I asked around with no luck. I was starting to get frustrated until I heard someone call out to me from the sky.

I looked up to see someone flying towards me. His face matched the drawing on my right palm. He landed in front of me and introduced himself as Acri. He showed me his palms to reveal that the pictures carved on them were similar to the ones carved on mine. The only difference being my face was drawn on his left palm and the half oval was drawn on his right palm.

"What are those?" I asked, pointing to some pointy objects sticking out of his knuckles.

"These are my stingers," he replied, raising one of his hands and clenching it into a fist. "I got them from my dad's side of the family."

"I see. Is this your first mission?"

"No, actually. I just completed my first one yesterday. I had to get some seaweed. It took me like two weeks thanks to the animal in the lake."

"The animal being?"

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