Three and then some - The Underworld

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After the Mad Realm was left behind under the dark, billowing sails, the Candy Corn traversed the shimmering, ever-changing aether for most of the day. Finally, they could see a rapidly approaching new island in the clouds ahead: the Hall of Chains. The sky had turned a leaden colour and the clouds started thickening.

"We will have to fly closer to the island", Oswald shouted over with a manic grin. "Otherwise, the clouds might crush us, and that doesn't sound uplifting to me!"

The air had gotten frigid; snowflakes fell onto the deck, white on dark polished wood, and melted only slowly. For the past hours, Malyck had taken the books from the cabin out onto the deck and started comparing his notes with what the Mad King had compiled to find out more about their enemy. His teeth were chattering even though he was wrapped in a blanket. He felt his mind grow blank as soon as he tried to concentrate on whatever page was in front of him. Hesitantly, he looked up at Hexi, who had not even buttoned up his usual shirt under his bejeweled vest and was pacing up and down the deck, twirling his sword in his hand, and watching out for danger.

With numb fingers, Malyck closed the books and started gathering them up to bring them inside. His movements were slow and he stumbled several times making his way to the cabin. Inside, it was barely warmer than on deck. He sighed. Something was bothering him; his chest was aching with sorrow.

"I really have to talk to him", he murmured to himself and looked back at his partner out in the snow. From Hexi's tense and frustrated stance, he could tell that the warlock was also unhappy with the situation. Maybe he would be able to put him at ease somehow. Malyck frowned. This was the Mad King's doing first and foremost, but he, Malyck, was no less to blame. After all, he had to admit he had been attracted to the tall, dark, handsome stranger almost immediately. Maybe Hexi was concerned about that. He felt that he must be right, but the cold made it hard to think about the best way to go about this. Damn his Sylvari body with no simple way to warm itself on its own.

He brushed a stray, crumbling leaf out of his face and dragged his numb feet back outside. Hesitantly, he approached the Mist Creature at the bow.

"Hexi? I don't want to interrupt you..."

He peeked over the railings to see what Hexi was watching and gasped. Beneath the ship, a rocky, snowy landscape covered the island of the Hall of Chains. The swishing sound of scythe blades filled the air. Tormented creatures slowly moved throught the landscape, moaning in hollow pain as they went.

"This is where they go to be judged", Hexi said quietly and indicated a large building with broken, icy blue windowpanes, through which the frigid wind rattled ominously. "It's a desolate, freezing place."

"It looks so sad", Malyck replied, his voice trembling with empathy and cold. "So... lonely. To think that people come here to meet their end..."

Hexi finally turned towards him. "Hey, what's wrong?" His eyes grew wide in realisation. "Is that an icicle hanging off your ear?"

Malyck laughed, but even he knew it sounded jittery. "I wouldn't be surprised if that were true. For some reason, it's getting hard to move and speak."

"The cold of the Underworld isn't for anyone", Hexi agreed.

Malyck raised an eyebrow and looked him up and down. "You are still half-naked."

"Yeeeah. I don't get cold that easily."

He took Malyck's hands in his own and Malyck felt as if his skin was burning up. "Do you have a fever going on, Hex?" He put his hand on Hexi's forehead. It felt flaming hot to him.

"I feel okay. Maybe it's just because you're freezing."


Hexi looked down at the Hall of Chains one last time and turned away towards Malyck, holding out his arms with a lopsided grin. "Come on, frosty. Your misty heating device awaits."

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