Good Morning

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A ray of sunlight was sneaking through Hexi's eyelids in the early morning, a golden tickle on his sleepy face. His mind was still filled with the cotton of dreams, but his body was tingling with a warm sensation and he became slowly aware of a hardening heat in his lower body area...

Someone was lying behind him, pressed against his back, their sweet breath was touching his neck. A cool, smooth hand was softly stroking his chest, moving over the muscles barely touching skin in an incredibly exciting way. The thumb brushed his nipple, and he gasped, finally awake in a rush of lust. Wait... What had happened last night?

"Good morning, Hexi", an amused, soft voice sounded from behind him, and as he turned on his back to look, Malyck's face appeared above him. His leaves were spreading in every direction in an adorable chaos, and his eyes were twinkling with mischief. "How are you feeling?"

Hexi blinked. Then the pictures of last night came flooding back into his mind. "Errr, okay. How about you?"

"I'm fine", Malyck said, still smiling in this knowing way.

"Hey, what are you grinning about? Did I talk in my sleep?"

"In fact, you did, yes."

Hexi paled. "Oh no... what did I say?"

Malyck's grin just broadened. "I won't tell you. It's a secret."

He leaned down to kiss Hexi. Their kiss quickly became more passionate, and Hexi tried to pull Malyck further down to him, but Malyck playfully ducked away and shoved him with a pillow.

"I won't tell you, unless you beat me in a pillow fight!"

Hexi grinned and grabbed two pillows at the same time. "The challenge is so on!"

They wrestled for a while, and although Hexi was stronger, Malyck was nimble, so the fight was pretty fair. While Malyck was doubling over laughing, Hexi tried to perform a complicated martial maneuver to overwhelm him, but the blanket suddenly restrained his legs, and he fell out of the bed with a resounding thud, hitting the blank carpet beneath.

"Ouch", he giggled, half in pain, half with joy. He turned on his back and tried to catch his breath looking up at the ceiling. Malyck's sky blue face appeared over the edge of the bed, initally concerned, then relieved.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, no problem."

Malyck reached his hand down and Hexi grabbed it. His fingers played with Malyck's, drawing the leaves' edges up the arm and back down. Their eyes met. There were no barriers between them. Trust and love.

"Come back here", Malyck said softly. Hexi sat up and did as he was asked. Malyck was lying on his back, looking up at him with those calm, affectionate eyes. The delicate but intoxicating smell of petrichor met his nostrils and sent a shiver of warmth down his body. Hexi kneeled on top of his lover carefully and placed his hands next to Malyck's head. He leaned down to kiss him, and this time it was Malyck who pulled him down as the kiss deepened in passion.

"I feel like I've won the battle", the Sylvari said calmly.

"You might have", Hexi mumbled, "but I will win the war."

"Good luck with that", Malyck teased and kissed him again. His hands were gliding down Hexi's back in the same almost-touching fashion that had woken him up initially, and he felt the blood rush away from his brain once again. Malyck's hands started playing with the edge of his pants, and he could not think anymore.

"You are not making this easy for me", he said and noticed how hoarse his voice suddenly was.

"I am not trying to", Malyck whispered next to his ear and brushed his lips against Hexi's neck. Hexi could not stop himself from moaning quietly.

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