Winter's Key

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Winters Key

Flippity floppity blippity bloppity

If I could analyze the key to this melody

Then time would stand and keys would fall

To ring the doorbell before the final call

To algebraite the calculate to find the formula

Dancing this dance as a zig zagging polka

The pattern on this key seems fancy at best

This Keys designed would have to be incredible in contest

Slipping like falling on gravel in a snowstorm

To define the odds of gravity in the finest norm

But still this key comes at a price to bear

Like connecting the dots without a pair

Like I want to dance in this icy wind and be carefree

But the tasks seem unimaginable with the burdens on me

light the fire on this spoon and watch it bend

Over and over the glowing embers end

To embrace this magical death with malice

To fall face first in this bliss

I will carry this key in my pocket with time

Once the clock hits the hour I will unwind

But to die in this wintery crush is unbearable

The marbles in this circle are encouragible

I will suck the life out of this room to rise above

When the key hits the top of the latch then it will be enough

A.D. Small

November 17, 2018

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