Chapter 33

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Doomsday Rebirth Mutual Favor
Traditional Chinese
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 33.33

    Just thinking about this, Pei Nian felt that something was attacking the car, and when he walked to the window, he saw five or six zombies attacking the car.

    Now that the zombies have undergone an evolution, their strength and five senses have been improved a lot. Although this RV has been modified, it will not last long. Pei Nian couldn't help sighing, but he didn't expect Zhao Haoxuan and the others to walk for so long before the zombies came over.

    With his first-level healing ability, it's not enough to see in front of these zombies, and Zhao Haoxuan and the others have to clean up the zombies in the supermarket and collect supplies. I'm afraid they have to go for an hour or two. Now he can only deal with the situation according to the situation. .

    Seeing the zombies all staring at one attack, the car was shaking all the time, thinking that it would soon be smashed by zombies, and took out the gun prepared by Zhao Zixuan from the backpack with a pale face, Pei Nian ran to the co-pilot, took the car The window rolled down and he shot at the zombies.

    Only Pei Nian had never fired a gun, and had always been somewhat resistant to guns, but thinking of the safety of him and Zhao Zixuan, he reluctantly fired, and this shot was just a shot in the arm of a zombie. , The rest of the zombies smelled the smell of living people, and all rushed towards the front of the car.

    Seeing that the zombies were concentrated, Pei Nian couldn't bear to be numb from the shock. He continued to aim at the zombie's head, fired two more shots, and finally exploded the head of the zombie. Pei Nian also had a little pride in his previous life. He also seriously learned shooting from Zhao Zixuan.

    But now is not the time to be proud, and fired a few more shots. After killing three zombies, there was no bullet in the gun, so Pei Nian had to close the car window.

    It's all to blame Zhao Zixuan, he didn't remember to give him more bullets after giving him the gun. Now that the bullets are gone, the zombies haven't been killed yet, and the sound of gunfire just now will definitely attract more zombies.

    Now he can only hope that the friends who were collecting supplies in the supermarket heard the gunshots and came back, otherwise he would have to take Zhao Zixuan to hide in the space.

    Hearing the gunshots, Zhao Haoxuan was a little anxious, but now they are also trapped in the supermarket, and there is no manpower available.

    According to Zhao Zixuan, zombies have only undergone one evolution some time ago, so the zombies at this stage are generally first-level zombies, and very few are second-level zombies, but why are there more than a dozen second-level zombies in supermarkets now, and they know how to remove them Being trapped in a supermarket is a bit too unusual.

    Zhao Haoxuan was convinced of what Zhao Zixuan had said to them before. After all, it was very difficult for humans to upgrade their abilities during the same period when humans mutated into superhumans and zombies, and zombies should be upgraded at the same speed.

    But let’s not mention the dozen or so second-level zombies that appeared in this supermarket now. The previous third-level zombie was only one step away from the fourth-level zombie. Now the level of the zombies is also rising too fast. Surviving humans survive.

    "Everyone pay attention, these zombies are not conscious, we will destroy them one by one." There are only five of them in total, but there are more than a dozen second-level zombies, not to mention the hundreds of first-level zombies.

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