14. happy endings for a villain

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My breaths started to quicken at the idea of messing up.

"You're a newbie.. but there's a lot of expectations on you.. so you can't screw up.. even though you haven't seen a day of combat in your life.." I groaned.

I smacked my face once more, drawing my heads towards the sounds of the shouts.

It was a bank, I could slightly see inside the windows. I slowly lowered myself onto a nearby building, maintaining a low posture.

With the better view, I noticed around 6 men with guns, all ranging in size, from massive monster quirk to average person.

My eyebrows furrowed as I watched them wave around their guns, laughing at the terror on the faces around them.

My eyes trailed around, observing and taking note on all the citizens inside. So many people just going about their day, only for it to be ruined and traumatized by the evil selfish doings of these men.

Suddenly, a ominous car pulled up, all black and tinted windows. The door facing opposite me, but closest to the bank shot open, where a figure stood out.

A women, in tall heels and reaching her mid thigh, with an off white dress climbed out. She flicked her shoulder length auburn hair, and strutted inside the building.

"Is she crazy? Does she not see all those men with guns-" my statement halted as she calmly talked to the men, all of them practically worshipping her as she enters.

"So she's the ringleader.. interesting that she would show herself.."

I noticed the women grow agitated very quickly, seemingly screaming off on the side.

My anxiousness grew as all the citizens started to get up, being brought in the middle of the floor in front of the woman.

She started pointing in different areas, as if organizing them into two separate groups.

"Something tells me this is a lot more than some robbery.." I glanced around, hoping to find my father or any of the boys only for no luck.

My phone rung the next second, I panicking grabbed it and answered the call.

"(L/N), where are earth are you?!" The loud voice of Endeavor sounded.

"I'm at the robbery site.. where are you?"

"I can't see you anywhere, everything was already handled. You did come to Seventh Lagoon right?"

"Ugh lemme see.." I glanced around for any street sign, before my stomach sunk. "I-I'm at Twenty-First Lagoon.."

"You flew pretty far.. it's fine just come to here and we'll sort this out-"

"I can't do that.. there's something going on over here. Six armed men and some strange women leading some kind of charge. I'm not sure what's going on but it's definitely not safe. The people look terrified..."

"Okay I'm gonna send the boys over and some heroes. You stay put and do not intervene no matter what until they show up understand?"

"I-I- Underst-" my eyes shot open as I witnessed the woman grab a gun from her purse, pointing it at a child.

Without another thought, I jumped over the roof ledge, my wings sprouting outward and shooting back, sending my directly towards the window.

I crashed through, alarming everyone inside. Glass flying everywhere. But my eyes were on the woman who finger was slowly pulling back on the trigger.

I forced myself into her, grabbing ahold of her waste, bringing her to the side with me.

"WHO ARE YOU?! LET ME GO!!" The woman shrieked.

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