Chapter 10

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Hello my lovely readers. How are you all! I am so sorry for how late last chapter was. I'm not home and the Internet run out on my phone so I couldn't access Internet. In the space of not having Internet I have been writing this chapter so hopefully chapter 9 and 10 will be fairly close together. I know I have been slacking off with a writing and I feel really bad now but hopefully I can keep it up and keep supplying you with amazing chapters every week! I don't plan anything, i just make up as I go. Also please don't be afraid to give me advise. Message me or comment. I love what people think!

Loads of Love

P.S. I do Recaps just incase people are reading other fanfics and are a bit confused where we are up to so it just jogs your memory!

-Immy x



"Okay beautiful. We will leave him till he comes back. Remember just drop over when ever you want!"

"Thanks Deb! Cya." I replied back taking the phone away from my face and hanging up. I threw my phone on the lounge and ran upstairs to find the envelope that contained the instructions of my life for the next couple of weeks. Do I feel like my life is planned out? Yes! Do I care? We'll see.



My alarm clock went off with Guns 'n' Roses. My eyes shot open and I stared at the clock. 6:00am. The big day had finally arrived. The first day of my new school. I jumped out of bed and collected my towel walking to the shower. Today's gonna be great. New people, new classes, new teacher, new everything. The only thing that wouldn't be new is seeing Reece. My face fell in a frown. I jumped in the shower. My new school resolution- No boyfriends or silly little relationships. Amen. I felt the shower water rush down my skin waking me up instantly. I washed my hair and jumped out. I wrapped a towel around me and in my hair and walked outside to my wardrobe. I got my school uniform out laying on my bed. I walked to my draws and pulled a bra and undies out and chucked them on. I found a old over-sized baggy shirt and threw that over the top so I could do my hair and make up in comfort. I walked into the bathroom opening the draws and pulling out my make up bag, hair drier and hair brush. I plugged in the drier and proceeded drying my hair. I put it in a messy bun and focused on my face. I started with my mineral foundation putting a light layer. Then my concealer. I brushed my mascara on and then a small line of eyeliner. I put some lipgloss on to finish it off. I quite like the way my blue eyes stood out against the black. I knew it was only school, but hey, first impressions last. I took my hair down and brushed it leaving my wavy hair hang loose. I smiled with approval and then got dressed into my green and yellow uniform. I grabbed a school bag from under my desk along with all the text books and supplies I picked up from the school the other day. I walked to my wardrobe finding my shoes and socks. I walked downstairs and flicked on the TV flicking through channels. I finally settled for Sunrise. I walked off the the kitchen to prepared myself breakfast. I searched in my fridge and all I had was butter, Nutella, cheese and milk. I sighed and decided to check in the cupboard. All I had in the cupboard was bread, milo, noodles and musli bars. Wow. I really need to go shopping. I threw two musli bars into my school bar and got the milo and bread out throwing it in the toaster. I went to the back to the fridge and got the milk, butter and Nutella out. Yeah I know Nutella toast and Milo, not the healthiest option!

I had finished breakfast and tied my shoes. I checked the time at it was 8:00. It would take me about twenty minutes to walk to school so I guess I should leave now. I got up and turned the tele off and collected my bag while walking out the door and locking up. I pugged my iPod in my ears and blasted some music mouthing the lyrics probably looking like an idiot.

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