Chapter 4

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A/N hey lovelies just another update. Hope you are enjoying it. Did I put you in suspense in the last chapter? Well if you were here you go. Xx

P.S if you haven't read the last chapters and the character roll I would suggest you do. :-)

P.S.S this chapter has mentioned self harm please don't read this if it would be a trigger for you.


(Ash's outfit

Look ash, just sit down and I will explain what is happening. I have a letter from your dad." He whispered sympathetically. What is happening. Was this all a plan? Will I be with Reece again? Who is planning my life? What happens next?


Shit. She found out. What a fucking lot of explaining I have to do then!

"Look Ash, just sit down and I will explain what is happening. I have a letter from your dad." I said sympathetically taking in that she had just been an absolute bitch to me after we had our little make out sesh. I don't know whether to be happy that we are united and hopefully we could get back together and I can make her life amazing! Or I don't know whether to be angry and sad because she found out too early and I have a lot of explaining to do. Her facial expression was much like mine when we broke up; confused and worried about the future. I thought of the words I should say. I decided them and spoke them with the risk of her slamming the door in my face and walking out on me. Forever.

"Ash, I know this is going to be hard for you. I have this letter for you from your Dad" I said standing up and reaching into my back pocket and pulling out a white envelop titled Ashleigh. I hand it to her. "Open it and read it when you have a chance for yourself. I am going to tell you what the letter pretty much sums up." I swallow my words as I finish. I put my arms around her and I fell her bury her head in my chest. "What ever happens, I want you to know that I love you and always will. Forever." I pull back and look at her seriously."Okay here it goes." I say sighing hoping she realises that I didn't want to do this. "It all started the first time you told me about you and Ryan- you know when he beat you and umm you umm cut yourself" I grabbed her hands and looked at all the tiny scars on the inside of the arms. I ran my finger over them and counted them. You could hardly see them but there was 3 big ones and 14 small ones. I look back up at her face and into her eyes. "Oh, Ash. You have to stop this darling" I saw tears well up in her eyes. I wipe them away with my thumb when they rolled down her cheeks. I picked up her hand and held it tight squeezing it every now and then to remind her that I am here for her. "Anyway continuing, I talked to your dad and he said that life was rough for you when you were at home. I know all your family are in Perth so you had no support in Brisbane. When I moved down here I was devastated to leave you behind. You don't know how hard it was for me to close my eyes and go to sleep without you to hold in my arms. I wanted to be there for you. I thought long and hard about a plan I had for you. I thought about it and got in contact with your dad, your mum, the rest of your family and friends, Ryan and Ryan's family and they all agreed that I fly you down here and let you live in peace away from everyone. Darling even Ryan himself agreed. He started self harming because he knew he hurt you. He needed to get away from you and you needed to get away from him." I felt tears in my eyes when I thought about the next part. "Everyone agrees that you need a better life. My family and I will look after you. We paid for everything you need. I just hope that I can make your life so much better and you are happy to see me again. I am so so sorry Ash I never want to do this to you again! I am so fucking sorry" I finally finished panting, sweating and with tears rolling and dripping off my face.

"Oh Reece" she said sympathetically. She pulled me into a hug. She buried her head into my shirt and sobbed quietly.

"Ash I still love you. I will forever and always" the words finally fell out of my mouth. She moved her head out of my shirt. I had two small black stains of mascara on my shirt. I didn't really care.

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