©haptrer one

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Now, let's talk about how these four pals met.

Kingdom Academy was one of the best Christian secondary schools in Lagos, Nigeria.
As parents always want nothing but the best for their children, the parents of these four proteges thought no less than to send their kids to this prestigious school, however high the cost.

And so, the families of Mr. and Mrs. Akachukwu, Mr. and Mrs. Williams Okoje, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bakari, and Mr and Mrs
Gift Ugochi Christopher enrolled their children in the school.

It was one fateful Monday morning in the lives of these teenagers. The first day of a new term, after a long vacation.

Esther was particularly eager to resume school because the three-month break after JSS3 was suffocating for her. There was no one to gist with. She was always cooped in the house all day long.

Chores, chores, and more chores were all she did for the three months.

Oh, the torture! How she longed to be free and to be back amid teens like herself.

On the other hand, Peter struggled to get up from bed that morning.

He tossed and turned and reset his blaring alarm to snooze over five times before he finally managed to drag himself out of his bed at the insistence of his mother who knocked repeatedly at his door.

He hadn't had enough of the break and wished it lasted longer. Peter didn't like the sound of having to pay attention to teachers and a huge pile of assignments and projects after a long day of school work.

Peter was a very lazy child.
After all, what could one expect after all the pampering overdose he had been showered with?

And as for Jedidiah, the pastor's kid, ever responsible. She was already dressed and ready for school very early.

She wiggled herself into the living room cushion, waiting for her dad to take her to school in his car since the school was not located at a trekkable distance from her house.

On the other hand, Jacob was more than excited to go to his new school. What was more exciting was the fact that he finally gets to meet his Facebook friend, Peter, who he had been chatting with for the past three months.

He woke up as early as 5:00 am, hastily did all his house chores, and sat at the dining table, waiting for breakfast to be served.


The four teenagers arrived at school safely.

Jedidiah arrived in her dad's car. Peter came in his mom's car.
Jacob and his mom trekked to the school since it was at a trekkable distance from their house.
And lastly, Esther came in her dad's motorcycle.

Their parents were directed to the principal's office by the gateman, who students addressed as "vice-principal" because of his authoritative attitude.

They got into the principal's office, greeted him, and collected uniforms and textbooks for their children.
The parents also got a chance to exchange warm pleasantries and found out all their children were being enrolled in SS1.

So, they headed back to where they left their children, gave them all they needed, and left.
Their children wore house wears since it was their first day.
Jedidah wore a white shirt and trousers,
Esther wore a black shirt and blue jeans, Jacob was on a blue T-shirt and white trousers, while Peter wore a black shirt and black trousers.

Their children all headed to their designated classes after being directed by the "vice principal" to their classes.

As they walked to their new class, they got a chance to meet each other and engage in a discussion.

Esther, being talkative, was the first to engage in a conversation. With so much pride, she introduced herself as the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gift Ugochi.

While she was boasting about God-knows-what, Jacob immediately recognized Peter as his Facebook pal, not only because Peter looked exactly like his profile picture portrayed, but also because they had discussed coming to the same school on Facebook.

Boys being boys, Jacob and Peter shook hands in a manly fashion and started talking about the latest football match between Chelsea and Barcelona, football clubs which they each supported.

Girls being girls, Jedidiah and Esther admired their hairstyles. They quickly noted that Jedidah's hair was longer but Esther's was thicker.

But their conversation was interrupted by a teacher who told them to get into a class because it was already time for lessons to begin.

They decided to meet after school and then they exchanged phone numbers.

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Dedicating my first chapter to the precious Holy Spirit, my biggest help, he writes every chapter with me😊😩

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