Chapter 16

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A dark forest. Its trees grow black and yet, there's sunlight creeping through its leaves- butterflies searching to hide and animals running to safety, and there's a smell in the air. The smell of dust and iron tickles your nose. The sky as red as blood, just about to rain. Everything is dying out.

„Doctor?" she called. Rose wiped off a particle of ash as she walked, her legs trembling with each step. „Doctor?"

Her voice echoed. The silence felt eerie like it could swallow her up; for the wind was the only thing she could hear.

„Hello?" she said once more.

Rose followed the stream of light up the hill, stumbling in her steps as she did so. The ground felt soaked and her shoes squeaked- walking somehow seemed to devour her.

„There you are." a voice called and Rose jumped, startled. The person was hard to look at, her glowing skin made it impossible to gaze upon. „I'm happy to finally meet you, child."

„Who...who am I talking to? Where am I?" Rose questioned.

„Here. Have a seat." the person offered, and she sat on a solid rock.

„Who are you?"

„Ah. One second."

The person took a breath and exhaled, concentrating. Golden particles had now started to pull from her skin and into the air, revealing the physique of none other than...Rose?

Rose's eyes widened, a compelling feeling telling her to run away, but the entity grabbed her hand, making sure she wouldn't escape.

„Do not frighten. I only chose this form as a result of our connection. I have always been here, Rose. In your mind. You just didn't notice." the voice was soft, somehow soothing Rose's nerves.

„Are you...I've only heard bits and pieces..."

„I'm Bad Wolf. I'm you but in a different way. Isn't that beautiful? We connected through the heart of the TARDIS, remember? The Doctor thought I'd disappeared forever, but a part of me- and you, remained locked inside your mind."

Rose gasped. „The TARDIS. The Doctor! I have to go back."

„Do not worry. All is safe. We did it." Bad Wolf smiled.

„We did?"

„Indeed. You're sleeping right now. It is but the only way for me to say goodbye."

„Goodbye? What are you-"

„Everything is dying, Rose." Bad Wolf looked around. There was fire catching up to the forest and the sky grew darker. „I am dying." she looked back at Rose. „I've used around 90% of my energy to close up the void. I have but only 10% of it left. And I'm gifting it to you."

Bad Wolf caressed Rose's cheek, her glowing palm colliding with the surface of Rose's skin.

„So that he'll never be alone." Bad Wolf smiled, but her eyes told a different story. „Live. Travel. Be happy, Rose. For me."

Wind blew furiously, sweeping Rose off her seat and into the air, floating. She saw as the sky crack and with a thrust, her eyes flung open.

„Rose!" the Doctor jumped to her side, taking her hand in his.

Coughing, Rose sat up, covering her mouth with her hand. „What...?"

„Here, drink this." he offered her a cup of water, which she gladly took. „You don't have to speak. You've just gone through a massive energy transfusion. Your head must hurt."

„I'm fine." she whispered, looking him in the eyes. „Where am I?"

„My bedroom." he smiled. „You did it, Rose. You saved the TARDIS. You closed the gap."

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