Riker's Return

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Pheonix: I wonder if Mari-

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Pheonix: I wonder if Mari-

*Riker falls down again*

Pheonix: Great. Heyy, so, you seem to know my friend Lefty here.

Riker: ... Yeah? But, I'm supposed to be killing you. That's what my boss said. Man, I need a higher paycheck.

Pheonix: *slight confusion* Um... how about we don't do that?

Riker: *streaks*

Pheonix: Ok then. ABYE!!!!! *shoots cobweb to the Riker* Ew, spiders.

Riker: HAHAHAHA! *breaks it*

Pheonix: CRAP! *sprints away* WE CAN MAKE A DEAL!




Pheonix: It's a no. *panting cause running to fast*

Gold: *just walking by*

Pheonix: *trips on him and falls on top of him* AH!

Gold: AH! Pheonix? What on eart-

Pheonix: We're gonna die!!!!!!!!!!

Gold: What? No we aren't! No one's dying. Not on my watch- *sees Riker* HOLY! Oh, I know how to deal with him. *teleports out from underneath Pheonix and in front of her*

Pheonix: *falls* Ow!

Gold: Sorry. Hey, Riker guy!

Riker: What. *grumbles*

Gold: Hungry? We got pizza, Mexican food, ice cream.

Riker: Do you have any animatronics I can eat?

Gold: *mind: How dare you think of canabolism* uhh, *thinks* Ah! Yes, actually, there isn't a use for an endoskeleton if you wouldn't mind to just- clear them out?

Riker: Sure. Which ones?

Gold: Hehe... *mind: I CAN TASTE SWEET REVENGE!* Yendo.

Riker: Ok. Looks?

Gold: Uh, like a bear?

Riker: Ok! *leaves*

Pheonix: *watching in pure terror*

Gold: Well, that's two things dealt with. *moment* Oh, oh my gosh! Pheonix, are you ok?

Pheonix: Yeah. *get's up*

Gold: *sigh* Good. Come on, we need to tell Lefty. I can't take him by myself if he comes back. Isn't he an it? Does it have a gender? 

Pheonix: Idk. But it sure does look like a guy.

Gold: Yeah.

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