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Pheonix: What's that?

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Pheonix: What's that?

Fredy: *shivers* My brother is a nightmare in there...

F.P.Freddy: You where saying? *red stains all over*

Pheonix: *leaves*

Lefty: They're.... Interesting...

Glitch & Nightmare: THEY'RE AWESOME!

Glitch & Nightmare: THEY'RE AWESOME!

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Vannessa: Wha-


Vannessa: What?

Wet Floor Bot: Beep boop Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. 

*they start dancing*

Vannessa: Forget it. *goes to the bar* Whisky please. *get's drunk*

Vanny: WOOOOO-OHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *bouncing off the walls*

Pheonix: Heyy.! Can you do a name reveal???

Irl Me: No.

Pheonix: *puppy dog eyes*

Ft.Aria: PLease??????????? *also puppy eyes*

Irl Me: Ugh. Fine. My real name is Lilly. Happy?

Pheonix: Very!

*the two girls run away*

Lilly/Irl Me: Yup, now you guys know my name. Wait... Henry is the only other human here and doesn't know who I am!!! *runs to him*

Henry: Whoa- What in the-

Lilly: I forgot to tell you, my real name is Lilly, not Classified.

Henry: I thought you looked like a Katie.

Lilly: Nope! My name is Lilly. L-i-l-l-y.

Henry: Interesting. Alright then, better go. I'm making a new animatronic.

Lilly: Really? Which model? What's it's name? What animal???

Henry: Slow down. It's going to be a Glamrock and that's all I know.

Lilly: Cool! See ya on the flip side! *leaves*

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