Chapter 8.3 - Dimitri

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Leaving the Necromancer behind, Dimitri's smile melted into a smug grin.

"That little shit should be dead for his attitude." A comrade growled from the back.

"Patience, in time he will." Was the cocky response.

"How can you be so sure?" He shot back, a dark glare boring into the back of Dimitri's head. "All you've done so far is plot and scheme, with nothing to show for it."

Dimitri ran a hand through his hair calmly, breathing out a long exhale. Faster than the eye could track, he spun in his seat and grabbed his underling around the throat. Blood blossomed where claws sunk into supple flesh. He watched it steadily ooze beneath the collar of the Beta's shirt.

Softly, as a lover coos into a slumbering partner's ear, "If the little cunt shows up, he'll be the perfect pawn in getting that oaf Volchitsa where we want him. We can play the situation in our favour, either he fights and dies proving we were right that he wasn't a threat. Or, he's forced to fight someone on the council and when they're killed, we take their place as a leading voice." He threw the annoyance backwards into his seat and let his claws retract, wiping the blood off on the side of his seat.

"And what then, Boss?" Another snivelling Beta yipped.

"Then we kill the little shit," Dimitri waved a hand dismissively. "They can't argue against us if both elders are dead."

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Thank you once again for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed what went on here, and please get involved in my Patreon and my Discord to keep up to date on what happens with my writing.



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Special Thanks to the Elementists, Slayers, Vampires, Werewolves, Witches and Wizards for all their support over on Patreon.

Dominance, Dirlagraun, Orion0132, and William

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