1. rumors

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the next morning, which was a monday, dakota's alarm woke her up at seven o'clock. she hogged the bathroom from paul for almost thirty minutes, then when she walked into the kitchen to eat, and five minutes later, paul joins her.

she's eating a bowl of cocoa pebbles while paul is on his fourth serving. he's the first to break the silence between the two. "henry is usually never home, just so you know."

"why do you call him by his name?" she furrows her eyebrows.

paul only shrugs his shoulders. "he works most of the time. his only day off is sunday."

"okay?" dakota says in a sassy tone. "i don't remember asking."

paul rolls his eyes and gives her a dirty look. he then looks at the clock on the oven and widens his eyes. "oh shit, we're gonna be late!"

"why didn't you warn me!?" dakota shouts right as she and paul frantically hurry out the door and into his car.

as they get on the road, dakota tries to change the radio, but paul slaps her hand away. "okay, let me get this straight. rule number one of being in paul's car, paul gets to touch the radio. no one else."

"noted." dakota replies.

"rule number two." he adds. "if you're having a bodily fluid crisis, take it out the window."

"wow. i'm surprised you know what a bodily fluid is."

"shut up, dakota!" he says right as they enter a driveway. a tall boy with black hair and a tattoo on his left arm is waiting for them on his porch.

"jeez, how old is this kid?" she asks.

"he's my age." paul says. "don't get any ideas."

"ew, no, never."

the boy, who dakota remembers as jared, comes up to the passenger door. he looks offended when he realizes a girl is sitting in his spot. he huffs, but he sits in the backseat.

"paul, who's this chick?" he scoffs. "i thought we agreed, no more giving rides to girls. i don't want kim on my ass."

dakota turns her head around and glares at him. "i'm his sister. not a chick."

jared raises his hands defensively. "you have a sister?"

"yes, dipshit. i told you about this four days ago."

jared hums a response. "guess i forgot. i've just been so busy with kim-"

"jared. are you forgetting rule number five?" paul grits through his teeth. "no talking about kim while we're in the same vehicle."

"who's kim?" dakota asks.

"his girlfriend." paul murmurs.

"my girlfriend, my love, my everything."


after a few banters between the two boys, they arrive in the school parking lot. they all get out and walk in unison to the front doors.

"so, i guess i'll show you around." paul looks to jared. "unless, jared, you want to?"

"nah. i meet kim every morning in the library." he replies, then as they enter the school, jared rushes down the opposite hallway which paul and dakota are going in.

"sorry about jared." paul says. "he's cuckoo for kim."

"yeah, i can tell."

they continue down the hall, and dakota can't help but notice how almost everyone stares at the two. she tries to ignore their gazes, but it's hard.

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