11. the unwanted imprintee

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🎶But I promise you this
I'll always look out for you 🎶

sparks ~ coldplay

embry call
3:04 p.m.

i was scared. scared shitless of what dakota would do when she saw us all near the car. all jared and i wanted to talk to paul about was the plan this weekend. sam wanted to go over the plan for the rest of the month. it was my second meeting since i started.

i hate being a werewolf.

don't get me wrong, it's amazing. i literally shape-shift into a hair animal. it's everything i've ever wanted and more. i literally jumped off a cliff the other day and had no injuries.

but hurting her wasn't worth any of this.

i heard familiar voices from all the way over at the front doors. it was those two.

"can we wrap this up?" i suggested, nodding my head towards the front doors.

paul examined the scene and nodded. "it'll just be a second."

"yeah, hurry up, kim's waiting on me." jared says.

"it'll be a second." he scolds. "so, i was thinking we wear our khaki shorts and then just a plain black shirt. i look good in black."

"seriously?" jared glared. "you held us up to talk about fashion choices?"

"it's important. we want to impress sam." paul says.

"i gotta go." i add. i pull my backpack on my shoulders and turn around, coming face to face with the girl i've spent the entire day avoiding.

except today, she looked different.

through her angry eyes glaring at me, i saw a soft, beautiful girl who i felt the need to protect with every ounce of my body. her hair. her long, silky hair. i remember the feeling of dragging my fingers through it, feeling butterflies when i get the memory. her lips. how i kissed them under the rain, practically feeling her soft lips on mine again.

i wanted to take care of her. i felt myself not only wanting her, but needing her. whether i'd be a friend, brother, or lover.

hell, i'd protect her even if she still hated me.

my eyes wouldn't leave her. they couldn't. she was just so . . . beautiful.

she scoffed, breaking my focus. she moved past me, pushing in the process, just to get to the door. i looked at her through the open window. she glared, rolling the window up.

"what the fuck?!" paul yelled. "really?! my sister?!"

jared starts laughing, doubling over. "holy shit!"


dakota pulled out her homework and sprawled it all over her bed. she sighed, getting up to ask paul a question. she hated speaking to him nowadays. "do we have a camera or something?"

he sighed, taking a bite of his soup before answering. "check the desk drawer."

she opened the drawer and found a tiny gray camera.

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