4. eavesdropping

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dakota and amara talked for what seemed like ages. they talked about dakota's school, how she's adjusting okay, and the friends she's made. amara just talked about all that dakota's been missing, such as amy smith cheating on the football quarterback with a guy in college. not surprising.

the next day after their conversation, dakota was thriving on four hours of sleep. she was not doing good, even with the coffee paul bought her on the way to school.

she slept the entire time in math. embry gave her his notes, even though his handwriting was god awful and she could barely understand a thing. right now she was currently in biology, working on the project with kai.

"okay, so i was thinking i could do the front and you could do the back and then we'd swap." she says, gesturing to the paper that was in front of them. "and then with our information, we'd each write a paragraph explaining what we got, then we'd put that into our google slides. and that's just the first part."

he was expressionless, which dakota didn't know was a bad thing or not. to be honest, she hates working with people on things, especially if they're stupid. if he didn't agree with her on things, she'd probably freak out on him or punch him.

"okay." he said, giving her a thumbs up. "let's just get started then."

she smiled, glad he was exactly like her when it came to this stuff.

halfway through the period, she finished with the paper, thanks to her beautifully written notes. she looked over to kai, who was still working. "hey, do you have a piece of paper for my paragraph?"

he immediately put his pencil down and grabbed a green notebook with a sticker of a car on the front, ripping out the first empty page for dakota.

"thanks." she says, taking the paper and going straight to work.

at the end of the period, dakota and kai went through all their work, which just left the google slides to do. feeling accomplished, dakota left the period confident.

later that night, right after dinner, dakota called dibs on the bathroom before paul so she could take a relaxing bubble bath. she realized it was all for nothing though, since he was out doing things with jared and sam.

she turned on the water and the fan, then realized she had no clean towels. she opened the door, instantly hearing voices in the living room. she slowly walked towards the closet next to the door and grabbed a towel.

"you need to stop with this, paul. we have a treaty for a reason!"

she stops walking and realizes the voice is sam's.

"yeah, well, he's a dick. he and the rest of those demons."

"paul, chill. i don't like them either, but they haven't done anything to provoke us." jared says.

"oh, that's bullshit." paul replies in an annoyed tone.

"paul, stop. you're going to break the treaty. you almost did today!" sam yelled. "you have to be more careful. we'll stay on our side, they'll stay on theirs."

paul scoffs. "whatever."

"what we need to be worrying about is embry." sam says, instantly getting dakota's attention. "he could be phasing any second."

"he'll be fine, he has us." paul says.

"yeah, but what about your sister?" jared asks concerned. "that's not gonna be a pretty breakup."

dakota's eyebrows raise in confusion. what the hell were these guys talking about?

"shut up, man." paul sighs. "i don't know what to do. she's gonna be a mess when it happens."

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