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In the halls of our college, I, Park Jimin, found myself enveloped in a shroud of introversion and academic pursuits, earning me the title of the most reserved boy on campus. The mere thought of interacting with girls left me on the verge of fainting, and I despised the very essence of my personality. Yearning for a transformation, I aspired to embody the charisma and popularity of my college's heartthrob – the enigmatic Jimin.

As my internal turmoil raged on, the unexpected sound of the bell disrupted my contemplations. The most popular boy, Kim Soo-Joon, extended an invitation for a basketball game, a proposition that held the potential to elevate my social standing.

Yet, the fear of failure, coupled with the weight of embarrassment, deterred me from accepting the challenge. Amidst this inner conflict, Soo-Joon's insinuation that I feared losing further fueled my anxiety.

"I'm not in the mood for a match," I replied, concealing the deeper apprehensions that plagued me. The mockery from Soo-Joon's companions only intensified my distress, and I decided to distance myself from the situation, leaving with a heavy heart.

Walking the streets, my emotions overwhelmed me, and tears flowed freely. However, a sudden turn of events diverted my attention. A group of assailants, armed with weapons, wreaked havoc on the city. Among them, a mysterious girl clad in black emerged, wielding a knife and a gun. To my horror, she targeted a man I recognized as Uncle Soo-Eun, my neighbor.

As chaos unfolded, I found refuge in the unexpected assistance of Ryan Bracles, a classmate who pulled me away from the danger. He enlightened me about the dire circumstances – the city under attack by ruthless mafias, claiming innocent lives.

Observing the girl who led the group, Ryan identified her as the formidable Mafia Queen. Panic set in as we realized the danger lurking just beyond our concealment. The queen's command to investigate our presence prompted fear to course through our veins.

The narrative leaves us hanging, anticipating the unfolding drama. Will the Mafia Queen discover Jimin and Ryan? What fate awaits them in this perilous situation?

Feel free to read and support this captivating fanfiction as the story continues to unravel. B Y E, S A R A N G H A E Y O 💜

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