Your Natural Scent

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Your smell is




Remaining in my own clothes

Warm like a house where I'm needed

Surpassing all and every just to fill up my nose

Choked-up wild chamomile, just for my wrists to be perfumed,

The healthiest anointing oil to find myself drenched with

Wheezing laughter

Stuck in between my ribs and my throat garden, where the heart is

Saying the L word too often and not performing it might dull its sharpness

Your gentleness

A hug where two arms make like cedars and

Root me in you

A mantel with a fire consuming itself

Fresh pine, blooming anew for no one but you

Syrup over biscuits

Buoying in my own nose

Always beginning and ending to begin again

Now hold me in this new grace

The comfort zones are no more

And your smell is all I feel.

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