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TONGUE TIED            5━━ the ice cream deal

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TONGUE TIED            5
━━ the ice cream deal

       Amelia hopped down the stairs and skipped to the kitchen. She whistled a delicate melody she had heard at the mall that week. As she grabbed money from the jar above the fridge, he approached her silently. So silently, she nearly screamed as he rounded the corner.

       "Amelia," He eyed her. The deep stare of his eyes boring into her own caused chills throughout her body. She attempted to avoid his stare by stepping around the counter, but she was instantly paralyzed by his grip. "Where are you going?" He asked, his Russian accent would not go unnoticed. She frowned at his sudden interest.

       She had been going at midday to Starcourt for nearly a whole week. Why would he suddenly care?

       He frowned down at her as he waited for her reply. She anxiously fiddled with the ring on her finger and studied his rough features, attempting to understand him. "Starcourt." She said nonchalantly. "Why do you ask?" She retorted.

       "Amelia! The groceries!" Margot called from upstairs. Amelia shut her eyes and immediately released herself from his grip.

          "Got 'em!" Amelia called back. "Be back by noon!" She glared at him and left without a word.


       He always managed to kill her mood, be it by being controlling or simply ridiculous. It bothered her a lot, to the point where she didn't know if she could stand it. It hadn't been the first time he had done this, so she managed to pull a smile as she approached Scoop's, but the anger couldn't be wiped off completely.

       Dustin dragged her inside the lounge when he watched her walk towards the counter, not allowing her to protest about her ice cream.

       "Someone's in a mood," Steve mumbled, he groaned when he watched her walk in. She could tell how much it annoyed him for her to be there, but it wasn't her problem anyway. He chose to believe what he wanted, but it pained her to hear someone talk such lies about herself.

       She teasingly brushed her hand past his arm as she walked by, "C'mon, don't hide your excitement from seeing me." She said lowly. She noticed how his jaw tightened the second she sat across from him. Ignoring his stare, she politely greeted Robin.

       She comfortably rested her feet on the table as Dustin rambled on. "That keycard opens the door, but unfortunately, the Russian with this keycard also has a massive gun." He pointed out and paced around the room. "Whatever's in this room, whatever's in those boxes, they really don't want anybody finding it."

       "But there's gotta be a way in,"

       Steve sighed and took off his sailor hat. "Well, you know..." He stole glances from the others. He fixed his posture and propped his elbows on the table. "I could just take him out." He suggested. His tough facade was nearly convincing for Robin and Amelia.

TONGUE TIED | STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now