First Lady x bodyguard

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The onslaught of flashes blinds her as people with cameras corner the first lady as soon as she exits her car. Su Ryeon is trapped between the reporters and her people.

Did you know about your husband's corruption scandal?

Did you benefit from the money the president stole from poor people?

Who bought you these pearls, you traitor?

She puts a hand to cover her face when a man sticks his phone at her face and screams at her. Her security detail remove him before he touches her and usher him away.

The news of Dan Tae's taking money from foreign consulting firms broke off this morning and everyone is furious with the president. Protesters have camped outside the blue house, demanding their pensions back and mourning for their children's stolen future. Police attack them viciously, not influenced by the legitimacy of their anger.

It's not the first time Dan Tae's actions have caused an uproar, but it's the first time their ire is targeted at her. More than the money, people hate to be deceived by those in power. Her bejeweled face has become the symbol of corruption overnight.

Did you take the money to send your secret daughter abroad?

Everyone freezes. The man who asked it smiles slyly, knowing he turned her world upside down with a few words. How can he know about the thing she hid all these years? Her past forces its way into her present, breaking the carefully constructed image of a perfect first lady like a fist breaks a mirror.

The crowd processes the information and fires back question after question, until she has no way to go but back towards the car. Unless, she thinks as she looks on the road. She can't take the scrutiny anymore, her chest tightens, her legs itching to run free. From everyone. She gazes at the cars passing and disappearing into the jungle of the city.

"Don't even think about it", comes a stern voice behind her and a hand on her shoulder stops her. Her bodyguard gives her a warning look and she turns to meet his fiery gaze. "You're not safe here. Get in the car".

His tall build, always in a black suit from the day he was assigned to be her head of security, blocks the reporters from approaching her. He sneaks looks around and his body looks tense, assessing the danger. He motions to the car and she knows he'll get her back home safe, even if he had to fight a horde of men to do it.

Logan was always like that.

That's why she can't do this. A car honks and for a split second everybody looks away. It's her only chance. She runs through the road, the screeching of the tires marking her escape.

The crowd goes wild, Logan chases after her, but a car is already taking her away.


One year ago

The bomb threat in the parliament was prevented, but Su Ryeon is upset nonetheless. Logan intercepted the communication and found out the culprit, an ex mob hitter who wanted to ruin Dan Tae's conference. Chaos is the ultimate weapon. A bomb kills, but chaos festers.

That's why she's in the home gym, kicking a punching bag to release tension. Everyone's asleep, already put the bomb threat behind them as life at the president's house keeps on.

"Aim lower" a voice startles her and the bag bounces back at her with force. Before it hits her face, Logan catches it without looking. He's suddenly very close to her, still in the shirt of his uniform, which tightens on his forearms, carved from endless hours of fighting. "In a fight you want to hit the weak spots. Throat, stomach, solar plexus." He points at his body, standing a few inches higher than hers. He leans and whispers "Or, you could let me handle the threats, as it's my job, and you go back to bed".

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