(4/6) Whispers of Stolen Beauty - Family, Always

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Su Ryeon keeps the lily, plops it on her sparse desk, vowing to catch Logan before it rots.

Days pass, and no sign of him. No robberies, no crimes, no news. She handles other cases to fill the time. Socializing over barbeque and soju with colleagues, gun range sessions, walks, only heighten the anticipation. She feeds the neighborhood cat and sweats her worries in crossfit. She agrees to a blind date, but regrets it before the main course arrives. She yearns for someone who can be more than just a presence – someone who challenges and laughs with her.

The lily starts withering.

She could ask for advice from her captain, but she can't reveal everything. Yoon Chul is also out of the question, if what Logan insinuated has an ounce of truth. If his aim was to isolate her, it worked.

She only has the hint to go on, but October 15th is meaningless. And six months away.

As she fills out reports, a tall figure emerges from the holding cells. Draped in a red tweed suit dress, framed by austere shoulders and oversized vintage gold buttons she's dripping of opulence. The woman's pallor is unsettling, skin so unnaturally pale it borders on otherworldly. Long black hair, a glossy cascade almost too perfect, frames her face. Her blood-red lips complete the ensemble, making Su Ryeon glance down at her own, pastel dress suit. That woman looks like a stylish grim reaper, and eerily familiar.

"Can I see your visiting pass?" She asks in an attempt to enforce protocol while stalling enough to place her.

The woman doesn't stop; she flips her hair, dismissing the request.

"Halt," Su Ryeon reiterates, making the woman scoff as she pivots on her heels.

"I don't have time for this," she declares.

Su Ryeon, not one to back down, stands her ground. Without flinching, the woman reaches into her elegant handbag to produce a card, gold letters in stark black background.

Cheon Seo Jin

Defence Attorney

Cheon and Associates

The Cheon Law Firm. The name is associated with criminal defense. A family of lawyers that keeps bad people out of prison. And she must be the princess in the dark castle.

"I'm here to see my clients, the men you wrongly arrested for the Pala Di Oro case."

"Nothing wrong about their arrest." How come she's defending petty criminals? The Cheon firm is known to take on wealthy clients and celebrities. "Why are you representing them?"

"Why are you dressed like barbie fairytopia?" Ms Cheon counters. "Pro bono."

A high-paid, sought-after attorney defending without pay?

"How... magnanimous of you." Su Ryeon raises an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Same reason you put Mr Ju in prison. It's my job. And unlike you, I excel at it."

Su Ryeon blinks at the mention of her ex husband.

"Did you advise your clients over the deal? All they have to do is reveal who gave the order, and they're free."

"Don't tell me how to do my job. They rejected your deal, I'll see you in court." She scans her. "Wear something better."

"They'll go to jail to protect him?"

Seo Jin sneers. "You know so little."

With calmness and reverence, Su Ryeon dons the dobok, her fingers delicately navigating the knots of the heavy black attire. Each movement carries a sense of ritual, as if preparing for a sacred act. Her hair, usually flowing freely, is pulled back into a tight knot, exposing the determined lines of her face. Barefoot on the dojo's wooden floor, she controls her breath in preparation. In the small hours of the night, the gym's usual echoes of grunts and pants have yielded to a stretchy silence, broken only by the soft rustle of her attire.

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