9. Friends.

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We got back that night, and for majority of the time I was quiet. We all sat there in the living in silence. "Well is anyone going to explain what is going on?" I asked them all, they all looked at each other uneasily. I was confused by it all. "Well you know you were taken by Riley," Liam spoke, I nodded. "We had a run in with Dominic, he said we took too long with the drugs thing," he continued, "But we got the money," I tell Liam. "You thought that will stop him?" I heard Niall's voice, I nodded weakly.

"Well you have to give the money back then," I sighed to Liam, "No, but they are expecting pictures soon," Liam smirked, baby scans. I laughed, a joke only me and Liam got, it brightened my mood. "How did you know where to find us?" I asked them, "I called them before hand, I still had my phone," Lauren spoke, "Well if you hadn't suggested to follow them-" I trailed of, and could feel myself getting frustrated by it all. "I think we need to all calm down," Harry whispered, I rolled my eyes, why was he so calm?

"Well, if you hadn't of ran of with that boy!" Lauren stood up to contradict me, "You're just looking for any excuse to make me look like the bad person?!" I shouted at her, "Well with your track record," she snapped, "What's that suppose to mean?" I frowned, "You've cheated on Zayn before, why would that make him think you won't do it again," she snapped at me, the boys all watched in awe as she ripped me to shreds. "You're twisting all of this onto me? If you hadn't of stuck your nose into my relationship then we wouldn't be here!" I yelled at her.

"Oh you're trying to blame me?" she called me out, "Yes, that's exactly what you're doing!" I shouted, "I am not the one, meeting up with boys whilst my boyfriends worried sick looking for me," she seethed her words, I rolled my eyes as she got closer, her tall figure over me. "You don't know anything," I whispered, "I know that you think you can get away with this, you keep getting these boys into more and more danger, I put my life on the line for you today, and my friend Leo is helping too, don't make me fucking regret it," she snapped at me.

"I didn't ask for your help did I?"  I asked her, "No, but you've got it," she sent a glare, "You know, I knew you were going to be trouble Lauren, you making everything seem like my fault," I tell her, "No, it is your fault," she snapped, "How? You're the one that felt the need to tell me about MY boyfriend and the one that followed me, and the one that made us follow Riley! Tell me please how this is my fault!" I shouted, "You gave me a reason to do all that," she frowned. "You were rather cosy with that boy," she smirked evilly.

I could see all the boys judging me, their stares gave it away. "You all think the same as her don't you?"  I gasped, stepping back. Zayn just looked to the floor, leaning against the door frame. Harry and Niall avoided my stares and Liam stood up. "You know not to run off and I suppose you do have a record for causing us trouble," he was brutally honest, and normally that was a good thing, but I didn't want him to this that. "You don't see what she is doing to you?!" I shout, running my fingers through my hair. Lauren stood with a smirk, "what exactly am I doing?" she asked, "You're turning them all against me!" I yell. "Don't be stupid Jessue," Zayn's voice warned.

"If you all think the same, then how about you all just fuck off. You know what Lauren, have Zayn, he clearly likes you a hell of a lot more than me, but you hurt him and you're fucking dead girl," I snap the last part in her ear. I go to walk out of the room, and Zayn grabs my arm. "Don't fucking touch me!" I shout ripping my arm from his grip. I marched up the stairs, there was one person I wanted to talk to and he wasn't here. The one person who would normally make me smile. Louis.

I got to mine and Zayn's room. I slammed the door and locked it. I pulled out my phone, I don't care about Zayn wanting me to stay away from Louis. Three rings and his voice was in the phone. "Jessie?" he whispered in a tired voice, I forgot about the time difference. "Hey Lou," I sniffled, I was crying a little bit. "Are you okay? What has happened?" Panic prone in his voice, "So much, how are you?" I asked him, "I am good, not dead yet," I could tell he was smirking, I laughed a little. "I miss you already," I tell him, "Me too," he agreed.

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