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Atsumu entered the shop and saw Yūji sitting on the couch, playing with his daughter, Ezume. Atsumu smiled tenderly as he watched the two enjoy each other's company.

Yūji has never been good with children... except when he had Ezume. He changed into a loving father, and a friend to his daughter. Atsumu admires his friend's dedication and love towards his lovely angel... The way Yūji changed makes Atsumu believes that love is something that could change even the worst person into someone opposite to who he is.

Terushima got a reputation to cause chaos and trouble when he was younger, and anyone who knows him doesn't want to be acquainted to him one way or another. He is a walking disaster as many had commented and almost all viewed Yūji as a failure. But, this bad reputation turns exactly the other way around as Yūji first set his eyes to his newborn daughter... It was a heartwarming moment Atsumu wouldn't exchange for anything in the whole world.

"PAPA!!!!" Ezume exclaimed seeing Atsumu standing from the door.

The little girl runs towards Atsumu as the latter knelt down and opened his arms for Ezume who slumped her tiny, delicate body to him.

"Papa... I miss you!" she mumbled hugging Atsumu's neck so tightly.

"I.. argg.. miss ya, too, Zume." he smiled struggling to breathe as the girl chuckled a little tightening her hug

Ezume lets go of the newcomer and stood in front of him, swaying herself side to side wearing a cute smile.

"Ye'r so adorable" Atsumu commented, ruffling the girl's dark brown hair which makes the kid smiled widely.

"Tsumu... Can.. I have a word with you?" Terushima asked and Atsumu stood to face him.

"Sure... That's why I'm here.. What is that something ya can't discuss on the phone though, and ya have to ask me to go to the shop on a Sunday?!" Atsumu tried to joke about it, but Yūji seems to know that the latter is faking it.

"Atsumu... Let's talk here." Yūji replied ignoring what his partner just said. He is pointing at the chair around the circular table beside the counter.

Both males settled down, while Ezume plays at the couch with her dolls, dressing them with cute outfits which Atsumu personally sewed few months ago.

"So?...." Atsumu started smiling slightly at his boss and friend

"It may not be or it could be the right time to tell you this... But, Tsumu... I... I'm... I'm in love with you... I know you and Sakusa Kiyoomi have something special in between.... I am not forcing myself to you... I am just saying this for Ezume, and well, I'll be lying if I'll say it's not for myself, too. Ezume likes you a lot, and I know you're aware... and I'm just thinking-"

"Yu...Yūji.. I.. I... I don't know what to sa-"

"Don't freak out, Tsumu... I don't want to startle you or anything... I'm just telling you this .. cause.. I don't want to regret anything... I... have been thinking about this for the last few days, and Zume told me she wanted you to be around more often, too... But... I... I'm afraid, I have been completely late..." Yūji smiled, though his eyes are showing signs of sadness and regret.

"Yūji... I'm.. sorry..." Atsumu apologized bowing his head.

Ezume walked closer to Atsumu and poke his arm making the latter raised his head and stared at her.

The Cutting Edges | SakuAtsu (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now