election day.

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hello, my name is fritz and today is the election day for L'manburg, I don't really care for it though since I already know I'm going to win this election every other party has nothing compared to me.

It's finally time for the election and i'm feeling quite confident in myself as I walk up with my vice president Quackity, as we walk up I hear Wilbur start reading out each party, votes, and the final winner, the moment I heard the name Fritz2020 I knew I had won my rigged votes had went through and I was able to win now all I had to do was give my speech and turn this country upside down.

" Well? That was pretty easy and you know what I said? The day I got unbanned from the dream smp, and the day I said I was running for an election ( that I won btw ), I said things are going to change. I looked every citizen of L'manburg in the eyes and I said YOU listen to me: THIS place will be a lot different tomorrow, let's start making it happen. My first decree as president of L'manburg, the emperor of this great country, IS TO REVOKE THE CITIZENSHIP OF WILBUR SOOT AND TOMMYINNIT! Oh it was so easy until further notice, Wilbur Soot and Tommyinnit are merely a memory of L'manburg. A relic of the past. A reminder of the darkest era this country has ever seen, and I guarantee you all, dear citizens, tonight... that changes. We are entering a new period of L'manburg: a period of prosperity, of strength, of unity and fat asses- oh my god  I mean guys, can you blame me? Jesus Christ. Yes, that's a very fair point. Can I get a 'yes sir'? Why is nobody saying 'yes sir'? Is that- can we give it up for no more Wilbur Soot and Tommyinnit?! ahahaha I was getting tired of them anyways. Oh man, who wants- who wants lower taxes? Yeah! How does that sound? I'm gonna fill the water fountains with Hawaiian Punch too. Tubbo- get up here. take my spot at the podium. I love- hahah I love this guy ohh, my very own Tubbo. Tubbo, as my Secretary of State, as my right hand man... of L'manburg, I need you to do something for me, Tubbo. I need you... to find Tommy, and I need you... to show him the door, rumor has it he's somewhere around perhaps on top of a fucking building, Tubbo... Tubbo, bring them here at once. " after my whole speech i stepped off the podium proudly watching the cries of L'manburg citizens I couldn't help myself but laugh at seeing how distraught and disgusted they were by me exiling their ex-president but what can I say? this is MY country now and I can do what I want with it I said as I had the biggest grin my face as i calmly made my way to the white house to empty everything out and decorate it the way I wanted to.

After walking around for a little I finally decided to walk into the main office where I would be staying at, I made my way into the big room and I swear the moment I saw it I immediately knew what big ideas I had I was thinking maybe a huge desk in the center of the room and maybe the 'Manburg flag right by my chair ( great new name I know! I came up with on the spot ;) ) hmm maybe even a few bookshelves and maybe,, A SELF PORTRAIT OF MYSELF!! oh my god I had so many ideas for this room but for now I'll stick with my desk because I need to start filing papers and what not especially if I want to change the name.

After finally getting myself all settled in I decided as a way to get more comfortable as the new president of 'Manburg why not throw a ball? what's the worst that could happen? but first I need to get decorations hmm who could I bother?  Tubbo of course! I got up from my chair and made my way to Tubbo's small office, I knocked on the door once before barging in. " oh tubbo~, could you be a doll and bring me some gold decorations for this ball im throwing " I said with a big grin, thank god he agreed or else I would've had to gone outside and get them myself which is such a pain, anyways i gave a small thanks and gracefully strided back to my luxurious office.

a/n; i'll leave it at this for now, i might actually turn this into a full on story if i end up liking the final results.
[words: 804]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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